Drowned my Turbo


Diamond Member
Jan 25, 2010
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Current Phone Model
Moto Turbo 2
Yep. I done did it.
Told a friend of mine, "Here, hold my beer!" :D j/k
I was in the pool taking pics of my kid. I've done this a million times. Not at this pool though. As I was getting out of the pool it fell from my hand. Landed in the trough that goes around the outside of the pool. Literally about an inch deep. The entire phone didn't go under...only about the bottom third of it. And for MAYBE 1 second. It was that quick.

I tried to shut it off, but couldn't. It kept restarting. This is what I blame for the damage. At first everything looked OK. Just the screen was not responsive. Everything I did to shut it down just caused it to reboot.
Had I been able to keep it powered off, it would have survived, I'm sure. Surely a case to be made here for a removable battery.
First the screen looked fine. Then it went into Moto Case mode where it thought the Moto case with the window was on it. Then it washed out white. Then green. Then lines. Then solid green....it just kept getting worse.

Pretty disappointed. It was such a short and quick partial dunk. Literally the bottom 3rd.
Is Moto ever going to go full on waterproof? Shatterproof + waterproof = gold.

Easily the best and most reliable phone I've ever had. Asurion replacement on the way...
Ah man, sorry to hear that. That's a nice feature on the new Samsung phones. I think it's just a matter of time before every phone manufacture starts doing that.
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Pere, you're just not having very good luck at all with that device. Think it's time to rethink your loyalty.

In all seriousness though, that sucks and I'm sorry to hear about it. Sounds like the kind of luck I tend to have.
Dude you have the worst luck with phones. Seriously.
I don't have good luck with any devices, Johnny. ;)
Sorry for your loss. It's always a bummer when your phone goes down, but it's even worse when it's due to your own mistakes or unfortunate circumstances that involve your own handling of the thing. I've dropped my phone a couple times over the number of years that I've been carrying them, and in almost every situation it was due to lack of concentration, distraction or some other unforeseen circumstance that cause me to either drop it or throw it or something along that line. In each situation, you often try to catch it on the way down and that in many cases actually exacerbates the problem. I've tried to break the fall with my foot for instance, instead kicking and launching it even more violently across the floor.

The big problem with pool water is that it is much more conductive than tap water or many other sources since chlorine, when it's dissolved in water makes hypochlorite ions which makes the water both considerably more conductive and worse highly corrosive. I wonder if getting it out of the water quickly and then using my sock trick would have worked to save it. Since it was only the bottom third of the phone that got wet if you put that end toward the sock's toe, and then spun it really hard for as long as you can like helicopter rotors it may have gotten the water out in time to prevent it from doing damage.

There is even the chance that it could still be salvageable, although the odds are probably rapidly diminishing. The good thing is that your insurance is going to provide you with the certified like-new replacement. That is no consolation if your phone was in good shape to begin with, but if it were scratched or nicked or dented you essentially wind up with a phone that looks brand new.

Good luck with the new phone. Hopefully all your data was backed up and restoring it will be relatively painless.

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OK Fox, the sock trick may work and sounds great in theory, but I can just imagine the fun I would have with it. Swinging the phone/sock over my head screaming like a banshee when the phone finds a weak spot in the sock seam (none of my socks have holes, just defective areas of weak stitching) and makes it's way out of said sock. The newly liberated phone flies through the air at high velocity either right through a large and expensive window if I'm in the house or if I'm outside, OVER the house and right through the windshield of my neighbors Mercedes that he has parked in his driveway. Then I have to try to explain my actions to both the phone insurance company and my home owners insurance as well as either my wife or my ticked off neighbor and my wife. Cheaper and less embarrassing to just get a new phone with the insurance.
Well I know it works, but a quality, hole-free and weak stitching free sock is a must!

I've actually used this process myself and have also received reports of success from others who have used it likewise. Personally, a new pair of socks (which can also ultimately be used for the purpose intended - on your feet), is less expensive than any insurance policy or repair. Am I suggesting you shouldn't carry insurance? Well, no. Carrying insurance is good protection for irreversible damage however if you can avoid using the policy in a claim for water, and instead have it ready to replace the phone due to a busted screen or other trauma from a hard drop it means you get to avoid or defer claims until absolutely necessary.

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Not doubting your technique at all, just my application of it.:)
I always carry insurance, now I have to carry a new pair of socks too.:D
Since most phones have the 3.5mm jack on the top and the charging port on the bottom, I wonder if using compressed air forced through the 3.5mm jack would be effective in forcing moisture out the other end and also aid in drying with the added air volume going through the phone. Never tried it, but it would be about the same principle as the sock trick unless I blew all the guts out of the phone since I would probably think that if a little air is good, more is better and use my compressor with 120psi and either blast parts out of the phone along with the water or once again, launch the phone out of my hand and across the garage into the window of my car.
Ugh, that's a bummer... sorry Pere!
As @danDroid mentioned, I'm surprised every manufacturer doesn't have at least some level of waterproofing or water resistance these days. IMO, it seems like it should be a stock feature across the manufacturing board, just as quick charge now is.
Good luck with your replacement!

S5 tap'n
Bummer Pere, that sucks! Good luck with the replacement phone.
So when using the FoxKat banshee sock method..use three or four socks to ensure you don't kill, injure or destroy anybody or thing in and around your person..lol..also..if you use a headband..we strongly suggest the lovely droidforums headband that was made just for this application..it might not help your chances..but you'll look damn sweet while ya do it . lmao
Where do I purchase the aforementioned lovely Droid Forums headband? I'm certain it would increase my Droid zen.
Well, there's reason to believe that forced air will push water out but unless the air flow is following the same path as the openings throughout there will still be areas that can trap water. Specifically if there are surface mount chips that are oriented perpendicular to the air flow then the air will pass by the chip ends and won't pass under the chips allowing water to remain trapped under the chips.

The good thing about centrifugal force is it can make water travel sideways to find a path out. So if there is water under a chip that's mounted perpendicular to the direction of the centrifugal force the water will spread out along the blocked edges and seep out the sides.

I would also be concerned of the possibility that the tremendous increase in the internal pressure, potentially 120 psi, could cause the casing to expand and blow apart. Some people don't understand what psi means. If you have 120 psi and the surface area on the inside the phone (front and back casings), is let's say 15" (5" * 3" each face), that's 30 square inches of total surface area. At 120 pounds per square inch that's like putting the phone's front and back halves under 1,800 pounds of weight each. I'll bet that the screen can't carry nearly a ton of weight. Can you say catastrophic failure?

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