Email notification not showing?


New Member
May 16, 2010
Reaction score
Just got my Droid last Wednesday. Up until yesterday, every time I got a new email in my aol box (which is set up on the Droid), I would get a notification icon on the Notification bar (and a notification ring). Now, I get nothing. The settings all seem to be correct. Any ideas?
I guess I don't know what you mean...wouldn't it be AOL (that's what it's set up to be linked to, as I said in my post)? Gmail notify works fine, but not AOL.
Sorry, I'll be a little more clear: Are you using the stock email app that came with your phone, and having it retrieve your email from AOL; or are you using an AOL mail app?
I dont keep my email open in the background and mine syncs and notifies just fine, even task kill it when I'm done checking o_O

Oh, I see what you mean. It's the stock email app, not aol-specific. Hmmm, I wonder why it changed? I've been using task killer regularly and, like you Mike, it has always worked fine.
Check that your notifications are configured the way that you want them. Power down the phone, pull the battery, let it sit for a minute or two, put the battery back in, power it up, then test it. Post back after that ok :D
I exclude my email from task killer, there is no reason to kill it. It's just going to take more power to start it back up every 15 minutes.
I've got juice defender monitoring when my phone syncs, it only checks for new mails every 30 minutes or something like that.
Stock email app has bug where it stops polling. Use K9.

Also, careful what you task kill. I am against automated task killers.
All of you have been very helpful...I appreciate it. Right after my last post (last night), email notifiy was working again (go figure). I'm now going to check into K9, as suggested. Thanks!

I dont keep my email open in the background and mine syncs and notifies just fine, even task kill it when I'm done checking o_O


not gmail, regular email, like AOL needs to be open in background. I had the same prob months ago.
I dont keep my email open in the background and mine syncs and notifies just fine, even task kill it when I'm done checking o_O


not gmail, regular email, like AOL needs to be open in background. I had the same prob months ago.

Ach my bad lol for some reason I thoughw we where talking aol forwarding to gmail even thouh he said it wasn't that. o_O blame it on the weekend I guess lol