

Nov 28, 2010
Reaction score
Yuma, Az
OK. I have the default email client on my phone, the one that came in the ROM. I got my hotmail account set up and it's working fine. I tried to use the same email to add my yahoo and work outlook 2007 accounts but for some reason the app won't connect. It says that the username and passwords are incorrect. Which is not the case because they are right. I am at a complete loss. This app worked fine on other ROMS but for some reason it won't on Sourcery. ANY help would be freakin awesome! Thanks. dancedroid
Yahoo does not support pop email unless you have the yahoo mail plus which is like 20 bukz per year.
As for work email.. if you are sure that your username and password are correct check your mail server settings.

Tapped from my Sourcerized D1
I understand that, my issue is I just flashed PE6 and all my email accounts allowed me to connect. something I couldn't do with sourcery. It would let hotmail but not yahoo or gmail. Still can't connect my work email so that must be a different issue

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums
email and state of sourcery

ok not sure but here is the scoop. many people had wanted to get to cooperate email. there was even a topic set up on such so the email in the rom is one that will allow them to get to their cooperate accounts. it may also break what you are trying to do thus why it isnt part of the regular source code. just a guess. since yahoo and hotmail have their own programs i figured this was a worthwhile trade off. although i never really checked those just the cooperate email ability.
If you like sourcery just pull the eamil account app out of pe and put it in sourcery. their is nothing in the rom code itself that would prevent that its most likely the email app itself.

Unfortunaltey Sourcery is a dead rom it was me and gflam that made sourcery so even if i do rom for the G2x it wont be called sourcery unfortunatley but i dont think that would be right.
Me and gflam had talks about reviving some stuff but he is doing apps and got a partner which is great as i know how much a 2some at least is needed in any project they are just to big for 1 person.

Unfortunaley the partner he chose is the 1 person in the android community i can/will not deal with. So me and gflam will not be reviving anything. Keep an eye im sure they will do great stuff It just wont be with sourcery or myself.
Havent talked with gflam since we discussed this so i am not sure if he will assist with web work and such on a new rom. I am sure that what ever they do will be tested and work on sourcery so it should be available to you just not in the rom itself. ;and gflam is talented and has some good insight as well so im sure whatever they do will be cool.
since i have to run on a tmobile hotspot i will have to get source code somewhere else and bring it home(10 gigs) than throttled.
It appears no icecream until late year so once lg releases source code for GB than i will start playing around.

Thanks again for all that used sourcery and those still using it.
I love sourcery. It is a great rom and you guys have been awesome with the support even after it was archived. I now have all my email accounts working. It turned out I needed some info from my IT guys and once I got that everything was good. I am using PE right now and might stick with it for a short time. I'm kind of liking it so far. waiting to see if they will get some Themes for it. Anyway thanks for the info guys and all the great support.
Does anyone know why my droid hasnt received an email from my hotmail account since the 15th? i re-entered the password and checked the credentials. they are all correct. I use a droid 2 global and Verizon.