[Exclusive] Moto Leak: Android 4.2.2=Key Lime Pie + Upgrade Timeline & RAZR X

Indeed! It certainly seems like it is inevitable that at some point in the near future (maybe even next year) we will see a Motorola Nexus device. How does this sound, Motorola Droid Nexus RAZR?

I'd prefer a slider. :)
I just hope Bionic gets Jelly Bean let alone KLP. Bionic just got ICS.
lzbanks said:
I just hope Bionic gets Jelly Bean let alone KLP. Bionic just got ICS.

The bionic will get JB

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Razr X... hmmm... interesting name. MAYBE that will be the razr HD WITH THE DAMN CAMERA BUTTON!!!!!! like the old droid X had.

funny though, there's nothing listing the Droid 5 Maybe those of us who love physical keyboards are about to get screwed... the D4 is getting old.
don't care about the droid razr x as much as the moto nexus !!!!!!
I'm hesitant to even hold a glimmer of hope of another Nexus device on Verizon - heck, even one that's not GSM only. I know Moto/VZW have been in bed for awhile, but now that Google owns Moto, that affair could be about over.
So why is a nexus phone so different sorry for my ignorance xD

Sent from my 2.106 ghz quadrant score 5680 .246 Droid Bionic using Droid Forums
So why is a nexus phone so different sorry for my ignorance xD

Sent from my 2.106 ghz quadrant score 5680 .246 Droid Bionic using Droid Forums

If it's on Verizon, it means sh*ite, honestly. But it SHOULD mean direct support from Google. But you know better, right sarge? :)
cobravnm13 said:
If it's on Verizon, it means sh*ite, honestly. But it SHOULD mean direct support from Google. But you know better, right sarge? :)

I have never owned a nexus device so idk I stick with Motorola only so if an when the Motorola nexus comes out it will be my first one

Sent from my 2.106 ghz quadrant score 5680 .246 Droid Bionic using Droid Forums
A Nexus is supposed to have direct support from Google, first-in-line updates (along with the other Nexus phones), always up-to-date, (supposed to have) unlocked bootloader (since it's supposed to be a developer friendly device), and vanilla android. And the reason I said it means sh*te on VZW is because they held up the updates for the GNex, and stirred up so much sh*ite with Google about it, plus slow-as-heck updates. Did I mention slow updates? The Nexus program is hampered on VZW, IMO.

If/when a Moto Nexus is released (if it has an SD card slot, unlocked bootloader, and the specs are great), it will definitely be my next device.
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Wow... KLP for the Bionic sure would be sweet.
tjk629 said:
Wow... KLP for the Bionic sure would be sweet.

Thats a big ass if they would have to extend the support window to 2 yrs vs 18 months I doubt they will do it

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