External Charging Adapter


Dec 26, 2009
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Anyone used something like this:


I have the extended battery and it would be nice to have the regular battery charged up for those extended days away from an AC outlet. I had the one from Motorola for my OG Droid and while it took 3 or 4 different battery sizes, it wasn't compatible with the larger size of the battery on the D3.

In theory this should work okay, safer if you force a slower charge over USB if you are worried.

I just went ahead and bought it, for $5, not a huge investment to test it out. I'll report how it is if noone else does before me.
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So any word on if it works? Don't want to destroy $50 battery with a $5 charger...
Just got my external charger from CellularFactory Item # 49536-5. Battery Charger fits Motorola BF5X battery. Also, comes with USB cable and can charge phone at same time it can charge a spare battery.

I replaced my battery with the extended battery, so now I can keep the spare charged.
I think that it would as the batteries are the same size (from what I remember) except the extended is a little thicker.
Agreed, but I'm eager to hear you've tried it and there were no problems. Many (myself included) have experienced problems with third party chargers where the batteries are improperly charged and/or the Droid acted weird until it was charged via a motorola charger.
Well, I got this charger from the OP link. It's okay, haven't used the standard battery too much though after charging it so I don't really have anything to report. It does appear, based on the specs for the device, that it charges slower through AC power then it does USB power. I don't have it in front of me right now so I can't list the #'s exactly.

I'd say this is a good thing as I think some of the issues we've seen in the past is because it gets charged too quickly.

I will say, it says a Blue LED is a "good connection" before charging, Red LED is charging, and Purple LED is fully charged. It can be exceedingly difficult to tell the difference between "Red" which is more pink then anything, and Purple.
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When I got the external charger I charged up the regular battery. This morning I swapped my extended battery for the regular battery and ran it all day. The regular battery did great and around 1:00 pm was at 70% left I decided to use the external charger to charge it back. It charged the phone fine and I also used it while on charge. The lights are blue when charging and goes green when completed. Phone did not act up at all. I am very happy with my purchase.
I have a similar charger to yours. I never charge my phone directly. I just swap the battery and keep going.
That's cool! May be a dumb question but Why we need 4 connections when battery is plugged in phone and only 2 to charge?

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Reply to OP
I got this charger and was skeptical when first opened it. Turns out that it works fine. It has spring loaded tray that is adjustable for different battery widths. It was a little tricky at first, inserting the battery into the tray with the adjustable contact pins, but after a couple of attempts at inserting the battery carefully, I got the techniqe down OK. I have charged 2 standard batteries so far and they charged fully, with the charging time being about the same as charging the battery with the plug in on board charger. I paid 7$ for mine (AmazonO) ( saw this morning that they are selling it for 1$!!) well worth the money in my opinion.
I picked up the charger from the OP as well, lasted two charges before the battery retaining sping broke and became useless. I ended up at stero shanty and paid what was probably a 150% markup for a different style unit. I like it better though, it has blade syle contacts rather than pins.