FAQ Thread

it was a question
i sbfed when i was on 606 and couldn't get 607 or 608 to install
but i guess most of the time bootloader will be used when bootlooping

and I didn't mean for that last post to be in bold type
it was a question
i sbfed when i was on 606 and couldn't get 607 or 608 to install

You should have SBF'ed back to Froyo, since there is not an SBF out for GB to my knowledge, and then you have two options, you will need the flashable version of the GB leak, or the OTA update. The GB leak will take some Google power, but your OTA will be under settings>about phone>system updates. Does that clear things up?
sorry no that's what i did
my question was, does a battery pull make sbf more reliable/ less errors?

and i edited last post
sorry no that's what i did
my question was, does a battery pull make sbf more reliable/ less errors?

and i edited last post

A battery pull should not create or fix any errors in your system files. So no, it should not do anything to help or hender your SBF after you flashed it. BTW, just to be more accurate, when you flash an SBF file, it becomes the "Stock ROM". Just for clarification's sake.

One thing to try when bootlooping is to go into factory recovery, and do a factory reset, and wipe the cache, that can make a world of difference sometimes. For whatever reaosn, some files dont play nice with each other, and that can clear up some problems. But you should always do a factory reset and wipe the cache before flashing any ROM anyway.
I was just thinking, that you shouldn't do a battery pull, more times than necessary
I was just thinking, that you shouldn't do a battery pull, more times than necessary

Unless you are sBFing, or Flashing a ROM, you should be ok. Heres how I think about it. If you phone looks like it's in what I like to call "command prompt mode" or where it's just raw script, no UI, then you should never do a battery pull until you can absolutely confirm it is frozen, usually after 5-6 minutes of no progress at all. Otherwise you risk hard bricking your phone, and sometimes even an SBF can't help you then. Hope that helps.
ICS: Ice Cream Sandwich, Android 4.0
theoretically should work for any 2.3 device, it's up to the manufacturer, if an upgrade is made for your phone.
ICS: Ice Cream Sandwich, Android 4.0
theoretically should work for any 2.3 device, it's up to the manufacturer, if an upgrade is made for your phone.

And since this is really for the Droid 2 Global, we should note:


A note about Ice Cream Sandwich:
We are planning to upgrade DROID RAZR™ by Motorola, Motorola RAZR™, Motorola XOOM™ (including Family Edition) and DROID BIONIC™ by Motorola to Ice Cream Sandwich. We will provide more precise guidance on timing after post-public push of Ice Cream Sandwich by Google, as well as any possible additions to this list of devices."

So, as of now, not Droid 2 Global, but maybe a "possible addition" although presumably the Droid 3, X2 would have more priority being newer phones.
OK, well I will add ICS to the Cmmon terms, and make a small section for it, but I wont mnetion it being on the D2G, since it cannot be confirmed.
First time seeing this thread. Great write-up Jonas! This will help many! :big smile:
First time seeing this thread. Great write-up Jonas! This will help many! :big smile:

Thanks! Maybe if I catch some time this week I can add a little more. My life has been a blur and I haven't added much in a while.

Sent from my Banana Phone
This is actually revnumbers's trick for getting out of a bootloop and into clockwork recovery but I figured it's worth sharing for those of you who have adb/android-sdk set up on your computer...
On a computer with adb installed, navigate to your android-sdk's platform tools folder or whichever location adb is found in via command prompt. Of course, this is for folks who know a thing or two about command prompt.
Run this:
adb shell "echo 1 > /data/.recovery_mode; sync;"
adb reboot

It reboots into clockwork recovery. Saved my rear too many times to count as well. As long as you can get into a bootloop, that is.
This is actually revnumbers's trick for getting out of a bootloop and into clockwork recovery but I figured it's worth sharing for those of you who have adb/android-sdk set up on your computer...
On a computer with adb installed, navigate to your android-sdk's platform tools folder or whichever location adb is found in via command prompt. Of course, this is for folks who know a thing or two about command prompt.
Run this:
adb shell "echo 1 > /data/.recovery_mode; sync;"
adb reboot

It reboots into clockwork recovery. Saved my rear too many times to count as well. As long as you can get into a bootloop, that is.

Should I quote you or revnumbers for this? I will try to add it tomorrow.

Sent from my Banana Phone