Fission question


Mar 24, 2011
Reaction score
Okay, so I am running fission on my global. I installed "black honeycomb theme with black notification bar" from fission rom manager. My notification bar is now black (finally!) But I was wondering how I change the icons? Dl from droid pirate then flash with metamorph?

And one other thing, I flashed black theme for market, its nice. But all my other apps are still normal/white. Anyway to change this? My biggest issue here is, the messaging app fission comes with is white and just plain ugly. Any way to change that?


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Download messaging app w several theme options...and yes, droidpirate has metamorphs that will change the icon in the notification far as changing them on your home screens, download launcherpro and LPI...way better than stock launcher w several options of change in the UI.....if you are wanting to change the overall theme of apps, droidpirate has a metamorph for black and red settings.apk ...but, the rest, if they r themes white...ur guna haveta do some good ol editing in gimp or photoshop after pulling the apk u wana theme...
Where did u get the honeycomb theme from fission??

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I prefer GoSMS over Handscent. It can do pretty much anything Handscent can do,like all that listed above, and a bit more imo. Google Voice can text to, but I havent ever tried that..but its awesome for voicemail. Battmonx for battery life down to the exact percent, not 10%. Check out the "blacked out" forum under the droid themers section of the forum for a few black apps like black facebook, black dropbox, and more. Although the versions are 1 or more behind. :-/