FoxFi Works On Verizon Again!


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Oct 6, 2011
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Let the cat and mouse games begin... I think? Now I am pretty confused about what is going on. Verizon had seemingly blocked FoxFi from working on their network. I tested it on several devices last night to find that, just as reported, it was no longer working on the Verizon network. Now I'm left wondering if there was just some sort of issue on FoxFi's side keeping the app from functioning. Verizon nor FoxFi ever made any sort of statement on the matter. Verizon never sent out an update blocking it, and I never received an update from FoxFi to make the app work again.

One can only speculate at this point. A few years back the FCC ruled that Verizon couldn't block these types of apps from being downloaded. This was in response to Verizon blocking tethering apps from the Play Store. If Verizon blocked the app from working maybe they unblocked it to keep from being fined. Blocking it totally would mean that both unlimited and tiered data users could not use it.

Maybe FoxFi had a fix waiting on the moment that Verizon finally blocked current methods and simply deployed the fix on their side. The most likely scenario is that FoxFi experienced some down time and just never let us know that this is what was going on. At any rate you can once again enjoy FoxFi on your non rooted device to wirelessly tether for free!
This has happened numerous times over the years, just not nearly as long as this particular outage. I think people automatically assumed (justifiably so...this IS VERIZON afterall) it was Verizon's fault, and the interwebz went crazy.
Carry on and enjoy it while you can. As with UDPs, it probably won't last forever. :)

S5 tap'n
VZW can (and has) raised the price on unlimited...they could kick people off...they could terminate the plans...they could swap you onto a 12GB plan for $50 or whatever...

So many things they could do. Seems like they wouldn't waste their time with this when it's an issue for a fraction of less than 1% of their users.
In the immortal words of Adam Outler, "Suck it, Verizon."

This has happened numerous times over the years, just not nearly as long as this particular outage. I think people automatically assumed (justifiably so...this IS VERIZON afterall) it was Verizon's fault, and the interwebz went crazy.
Carry on and enjoy it while you can. As with UDPs, it probably won't last forever. :)

S5 tap'n
I the updates getting moved..who do you blame...EVERYONE INVOLVED!! GIVE ME MY WIFI!! Jk LOL
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Hold up everybody.....Question:
has anyone actually tried using FoxFi to tether another device?
FoxFi turns on for both myself and SO, but neither of us can actually connect/tether another device via FoxFi. We both get an error message saying "no internet connection". We've both rebooted our respective devices but no dice. I'll have to double check our WiFi settings since we had to adjust a couple things in order to get Wireless Tether Router to work.

S5 tap'n
Works fine for me now. PC connects, Ipad connects. No problems
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Hold up everybody.....Question:
has anyone actually tried using FoxFi to tether another device?
FoxFi turns on for both myself and SO, but neither of us can actually connect/tether another device via FoxFi. We both get an error message saying "no internet connection". We've both rebooted our respective devices but no dice. I'll have to double check our WiFi settings since we had to adjust a couple things in order to get Wireless Tether Router to work.

S5 tap'n son is currently using foxfi from my note edge, to play on his ps4 online.
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Thanks for the input guys, I appreciate it! Once I finish dinner I'll double check my settings.

S5 tap'n
working fine from my LG V10
Does it still enable the lock screen every time you use FoxFi?
Finally got mine working again. Needed to reset FoxFi to recognize my tablet and bam, good to go.

S5 tap'n