Fresh off the press!!!


Premium Member
Premium Member
May 27, 2010
Reaction score
not really just a good eye opener lol

Also as always in no way is droidforums teamfusion nor am i responsible for any misuse of this rom

any droid 1 users welcome to try a beta release of krunked v.7 based off of cm7.
alot of changes been made but those that tried froyo version will notice some familiar settings plus some new

main thanks are in changelog in /settings/advanced options/system
more to come
Gingerbread Droid 1 only
here is d/l link for anyone wanting to test

will need both i recommend wiping but to each their own. mind you this is a beta release so you may find something wrong i missed please feel free to post comments and or concerns and i will get back asap, plus with it being a beta i am not gonna post pics or all modifications i have done. you are welcome to post things you notice about rom and or like about it. As always make a backup before flashing

~~>newest build~~> <~~gapps in rom 2/25/2011

Added 2/24/2010
remove CHANGELOG.txt to see current and beta d/l's
also i need to update changelog here with one in rom this is current to beta build

[known issues]
dsp still broken
camcorder zoom during video
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Dude....where have you been?

Great release!
swamped with a bunch of personal bs and fighting to like gingerbread lol
and DAMN that was a fast reply lol
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swamped with a bunch of personal bs and fighting to like gingerbread lol
and DAMN that was a fast reply lol
I'm everywhere just can't see me.
Excellent work Jason. Rom is very smooth