Galaxy Edge - gimmick or useful?

It's turned out to be far better than I expected. Having notifications, recent apps, favorite apps, etc on the sidebar makes one handed use that much more practical on a big screen.

Devs are moving over to this phone right now and I can't wait to see the tweaks they come up with.

Even if there weren't any tweaks released Samsung nailed the sidebar.
+1 on finding the curved edge really quite useful. The phone is comfortable to hold for a large phone. Add me to the "like it" column. ;)
Seeing as how LG announced a phone with "Edge" screens on both sides and the s6 is rumored to come in a similar variant, I'm subscribing here to keep up on the status of the edge phenomena.

I'm in the camp that's torn over whether it's a gimmick or not, but my decision will hinge mostly on support, so it's good to see that some app devs are already embracing the feature.
So far the only thing that I have found less than enjoyable is the speed at which my incoming text messages scroll by. It is super fast with no way of slowing it down.
I'll be the one to point out the obvious and say it then, the Galaxy S6 Edge is way more of a gimmicky device than the Note Edge, both have edge's both are gimmicks but only 1 is more functional of a gimmick that ya actually find yourself using.
I'll be the one to point out the obvious and say it then, the Galaxy S6 Edge is way more of a gimmicky device than the Note Edge, both have edge's both are gimmicks but only 1 is more functional of a gimmick that ya actually find yourself using.

I understand where Samsung is trying to go with this. It's about being different. Whether or not it is a gimmick depends on which side of the fence you stand on.

If you enjoy a lot of home screens, widgets, etc then this may not be for you. You can still have all of that, but I found that it killed the need for all of it so now I have one blank home screen.

The S6 Edge went another direction. The screen real estate wouldn't be enough to justify the Note Edge's functionality. I'm just hoping the Note 5 Edge retains the current Note Edge's functionality.