General Android Questions / Nvidia Shield


Jan 7, 2017
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
Current Phone Model
iPhone 7 Plus
I couldn't find a section of your website devoted to the Nvidia Shield, and most of the other Android forums looked like ad-covered pieces of crap - so I chose to post here - yay!

I have 2 questions:

1) What is the deal with the lack of contrast in some apps, most notably ES File Explorer. I can never tell where the selector is, because the selected item is one shade of the same color different than the unselected item.

Remember, I'm not using a touchscreen, I'm unfortunately using a D-pad, BUT - this is an app that has expressly stated that it is compatible with the Nvidia Shield TV on Google it shouldn't behave in this manner.

On the Apple TV I don't have any contrast / selection confusion.

2) How do I access (read) USB 3.0 hardware (in this case, a hard drive) over my network from my computer? All devices are connected via Ethernet (Shield and computer). The setting to allow access to folders/files from a PC is turned on in the Shield settings, but when I go to that IP address via smb, I just see the external drive. When I open the drive, it says 0 files. There are close to 200 files on the drive.

Any idea guys? If I posted in the incorrect location, feel free to let me know, or mods, feel free to move my post.
I wish I could help you more but I am not familiar with the Nvidia Shield. In regards to the ES file explorer, you could check to see if it has settings that would adjust the contrast for selected items. There are several file explorer apps in the playstore that may work better.

Assessing files from your computer may be a setting in your computer or your virus protection suffers that is preventing you from viewing those files on your hard drive.

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I figured it out - when I drop a file into the empty-looking USB Hard Drive from my computer, it ends up in /NVIDIA_SHIELD/ created by the Shield on that drive. So then I have to go through this pain in the butt process of using ES File Explorer to cut and paste the file from /NVIDIA_SHIELD/ to /Media/Movies/ which sounds easy... But it's really not especially with ES File Explorer being so difficult to use.

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So if anyone has any ideas on how I might automate that process, I would be very grateful.

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And I figured that one out! I just moved my Media directory into the /NVIDIA_SHIELD/ directory and reset Kodi to look there for files. Basically they're giving external access to that one folder. Interesting.
