Gingerbread on the D2

Anybody know when a sbf for the new update 2.3.3 gingerbread will be available - would like to root but what if something goes wrong (don't know why I have these problems)
It's out for the dx. I hope the d2 gets it soon. Even if not, you can always just sbf to froyo and try again

I just got the new gingerbread far haven't really been happy. I can't manually stop all tha crap apps that run in tha background n clear the cache like with froyo. Also when I play music for more than 30min or less, the droid will reboot. Kind of annoying when the phone is the main source of music....what the problem is?
hey maybe droid will suprise us with the name and well get Viking update. i mean thats what i would name it. just a bunch of manly names they might even get some more customers with update names like that
Potential Bug?

Some of my contacts keep getting split into two separate SMS/MMS threads. IE: Contact #1 will have two threds, one with all outgoing one with all incoming, and then one of the other kind mixed in for good measure. I was thinking about deleting all my Google contacts. But wanted to check to see if ppl have experienced this as well.

ps: running OTA, rooted, going to flash CM to give that a shot.
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Potential Bug?

Some of my contacts keep getting split into two separate SMS/MMS threads. IE: Contact #1 will have two threds, one with all outgoing one with all incoming, and then one of the other kind mixed in for good measure. I was thinking about deleting all my Google contacts. But wanted to check to see if ppl have experienced this as well.

having two seperate sets of contacts might be an issue but i dont even have this update yet since it seems to be rolling out in waves and my wave hasnt hit yet. but based on previous experiences with things like that then it might be because you have the dual sets of contacts but im not sure
Gingerbread OTA Update is out for D2 non-world

Just got my update yesterday! dancedroid
Got my D2 version of Gingerbread update on Saturday.
All in all, so far I like it.
I'm a fan of the darker color scheme and the new tray icon. I used to hate waiting for the bottom navigation to fade out when going back to the home screen before I could click on the tray icon. Now there is no delay....nice.

Still discovering the new/changed features.
its out for the global now too im finishing my download and hopefully about to enjoy a new system that doesnt involve the sucessive rape of my battery every 5 hours. i mean even with juice defender i was having battery issues haha
It's out for the dx. I hope the d2 gets it soon. Even if not, you can always just sbf to froyo and try again


I assume this is true only if you installed the leaked update in .zip form rather than the OTA. Right? Or does SBFing to Froyo work after receiving the OTA?

Not sure what to do at this point...

Finally got the GB update and so far it is pretty good. Quick question though, how do you check how much battery is left? I see how much battery is being used for what but I cant see the amount left.
So after installing gingerbread, I thought my phone would shut off when I am playing music. Now I noticed it shuts off about 3x a there something wrong with my phone or that normal?
So after installing gingerbread, I thought my phone would shut off when I am playing music. Now I noticed it shuts off about 3x a there something wrong with my phone or that normal?

It's been happening to me. I'm done with GB after about two days.
Cool so they decided to update a software that would cause our phones to reboot everyday...whack! Yah its been 2 days for me2 and I'm want froyo back! Lol anyone have any solutions to make this experience better?