Gingerbread on the D2

The restart only happens to me when I use DoubleTwist so far; PowerAmp seems to work without issue.

I use DoubleTwist too. Haven't noticed anything strange at all. Been on the new GB OTA rooted with CM7 since Monday. No reboots and no strange activities other than DSP Manager FCing as RevNumbers stated before.

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The only issue I've been having is that I can't re-root using z4root anymore. Gets about half way then force closes and I have to reboot the phone. Sucks. I liked z4root just because it made rooting so easy. Now I'm searching for a new way to root.

I also have a friend who did the update on his DroidX and is COMPLETELY messed his phone up. Verizon is sending him a new one. They actually said to him "eh, it happens with some phones".
You can't use z4 root on the ota. Use the d3 one click method posted all over the forums.


Thanks but that didn't work either. I got it to work with another method. I don't want to turn this thread into a "how do I root my D2 with Gingerbread" thread. Thanks for the help though. I've been on this forum ever since I got a Droid; it and everyone on it have been nothing but helpful.
Thanks but that didn't work either. I got it to work with another method. I don't want to turn this thread into a "how do I root my D2 with Gingerbread" thread. Thanks for the help though. I've been on this forum ever since I got a Droid; it and everyone on it have been nothing but helpful.

Whatever works for ya.

Hi all, I'm new here and had some questions regarding the Gingerbread update. I looked back a few pages and didn't see it come up.

After the update all my menu screens (like the settings menu for example) are now black text on a white background, which is very hard for me to read (i have macular degeneration) , where before the update the menu was white text on a black background. by the same token all dropdown windows (like username retention) are white text w/ a white background, so they are useless.

has anyone else seen this and if so, is there a way to change these back? there is nothing in the display or accesability menus that relates to the problem.

The only way to change it is to root the ota and try a rom. Ota gb has a white background (which I like actually). That was motorolas choice for gb moto blur. Sorry!

Cool so they decided to update a software that would cause our phones to reboot everyday...whack! Yah its been 2 days for me2 and I'm want froyo back! Lol anyone have any solutions to make this experience better?

So I am not going crazy after all! After GB update, My D2 rebooted every day randomly without any warnings. It's not rooted, and I am not running DoubleTwist or anything else like this. Pretty annoying. I hope they will fix it somehow.

Also, I haven't found anyone complaining about this yet, but D2's photo widget got changed for the worse! No more icons of all the photos you've taken - you can only view them one by one! This really, really degraded the quality of this native app! I am forced to look for alternatives because I use the camera pretty often.
Well, the phone rebooted/reset right after the update, automatically. Plus every day it would reboot by itself. And a friend of mine with the same non-rooted D2 has exactly the same issue with Camera Widget after upgrading. It looks more like a new design than a bug, but it is so bad!
I took mine to the store n they told me to do a master reset...I really didn't want to but after it shutting down on me randomly 2x in a row by only playing music I decided it was worth a far today I haven't had it reboot..but ill keep u posted on this issue if it worked or not
camera widget

Just restarted my phone. Tried power down and reinserting battery. Camera widget did not go back to old behavior.
I am more and more convinced this is new feature, not a bug. (which are often interchangeable in the IT world, heh)
Just wanted to add my $.02

I have had zero issues with the OTA GB...and I have been using it heavily the past few days.

I am however getting bored with it and disparately want to get back on CM7 but the CM7-GB it still a bit too buggy for my liking at the moment. OH Dear God how I miss my DSP Equalizer :(
CM7GB isn't that buggy. Been using it quite a bit and have practically no FCs, great battery life. Small little things here and there but not enough to not be on it. Just fyi.... :D

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