Gingerbread on the D2

Cm7 runs super smooth. I have minimum to no bugs. That's the truth!

Pay it forward
Well, the phone rebooted/reset right after the update, automatically. Plus every day it would reboot by itself. And a friend of mine with the same non-rooted D2 has exactly the same issue with Camera Widget after upgrading. It looks more like a new design than a bug, but it is so bad!

You are right! I have the same problem, & I've done a battery out reset every day this week.
Froyo: the camera screen had an icon with a thumbnail of the last photo taken. Touching this brought up the GALLERY.
GB: touching that icon brings up the last photo taken. You can scroll back through the photo folder, but there is NO WAY to load the gallery. Considering I have photos in 10 folders other than the phone, this is not an improvement.
Yah factory reset did not help with the rebooting problem....still roots itself about 3 or 4 times a day...very annoying especially if I'm listening to music for a long time.
Yah factory reset did not help with the rebooting problem....still roots itself about 3 or 4 times a day...very annoying especially if I'm listening to music for a long time.

I have found a pattern in my "random" reboots. I'm I am playing a game with sound, first the return softkey will get slower and slower, and then the sound will go away. My natural instinct is to hit the volume control, and that's when it reboots. This is consistent and repeatable.
I think that it is possible that every reboot was when I changed the volume, playing a game or listening to music! I don't know if this is a cause or a symptom. More data would be good. I don't listen to music off the phone all that often (no input on my car radio).
Recovery: last time the sound vanished from my game, I closed the game & opened another game with noise. The sound came back. I closed that & opened my original game and it worked well. The phone did not reboot.
So, at least we have 1 consistent situation when it reboots - if we get enough data, maybe Motorolla or Android will fix it. Please?
I have found a pattern in my "random" reboots. I'm I am playing a game with sound, first the return softkey will get slower and slower, and then the sound will go away. My natural instinct is to hit the volume control, and that's when it reboots. This is consistent and repeatable.
I think that it is possible that every reboot was when I changed the volume, playing a game or listening to music! I don't know if this is a cause or a symptom. More data would be good. I don't listen to music off the phone all that often (no input on my car radio).
Recovery: last time the sound vanished from my game, I closed the game & opened another game with noise. The sound came back. I closed that & opened my original game and it worked well. The phone did not reboot.
So, at least we have 1 consistent situation when it reboots - if we get enough data, maybe Motorolla or Android will fix it. Please?

Good idea but it didn't work for me. I had my music playing and it froze, well just the sound, the actual music player was still playing though. But I tried switching to another song rather than adjusting the volume...a song later it actually just reboots I think there is a problem with gb n some droid2 sound cards?...possibly? I duno..its annoying
I think I figured out the problem. If the media music coming out of the phone itself is too loud it will reboot itself. Kind of like a safety feature...roughly. I learned that from not a phone but some aux speakers that if they r too loud they will shut I jus lowered my volume on media,ringtone,alarm and I hope it'll make a difference. Give it a try and let me know how that works
It's a possibility as I noticed that I no longer need to have the media volume all the way up to have it at the sound level that I want, but it's still strange. I used the Power Amp loud equalizer settings and it never reset at that higher volume before. Still will wait and see if a fix ends up coming out for this as it never happens to me when I use the built in music player.

Well there is a way to set the volume for media. Its under settings, sound controls or whatever and then click volume. For mine I had it set all the way and I think was causing the problem. But I set it about half way n I hope that fixed it. But probably power amp did that already but not really sure. Hopefully there will be an actual solution rather than jus shooting in the dark!
No I know u can use the sidekeys to control the volume. That's easy, but there are additional volume controls under sound settings. If u check it out ull c what I mean. But yah its ok...sort of...either I jus live with it or ill go get a new one.
Is there anyway to root 2.3 ota version? Does it work with z4root?

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i had all the problems mentions on this thread, i got very luck i did hard reset to factory restore and the phone is best it ever was
Even though I was highly anticipating the GB update, I feel like I'm getting awful battery life with it. With Froyo I could have a day and half with moderate use or a full day with heavy use. Now barely using it, it's dying on me not even a full day. Has anyone SBFed back to Froyo? I may go back to ROMs, but I hated how unstable Liberty became (phone freezes). Froyo wasn't bad, I just wanted something new, but now I'd rather just have stability. :p
I've found MIUI to be far more stable than GB. I got tired of all the resets, especially when unlocking the phone. CM7 and Liberty looked interesting but both have bugs that never seem to get quite worked out. People have also said that battery life hasn't necessarily been amazing for them on either, so I went with MIUI and haven't looked back, but the customization of CM7 is still very intriguing.

As far as your battery on GB, I've found it's best to run performance mode, then turn off all syncing and only use it as needed, and to also run either auto-brightness or toggle as needed.