Gluing on speaker covers


Nov 24, 2011
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What's the recommended adhesive for gluing the speaker covers on? A CA gel? Goop? I want it to look fairly neat and professional looking. Seems like goop would also seal.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
Well, I use Gorilla Glue, but you need to be VERY careful that you only use a THIN Tacky coat. Any more and when it expands it will bleed through and lift the cover material. Depending on the frame, if wood I use Elmer's Wood Glue. It works quite well. Remember, you need to keep the material stretched until the glue sets. A couple tack staples will do or what I do is snap clips and rubber bands between.
Speaker covers?? For a speaker cabinet?? Screws... Or staples... They hold it tight.. Glues can leave a mess unless you're experienced like the Fox^^
Speaker covers?? For a speaker cabinet?? Screws... Or staples... They hold it tight.. Glues can leave a mess unless you're experienced like the Fox^^
Agreed, depending on the situation staples or screws are quite an appropriate solution to the situation but if you're talking about typical screen type speaker covers which are removable you definitely need to go with glue or at the very least with very small staples.
If he's referring smartphone covers.. It will be more like using straight pins and glue..
Hahaha. Well that's funny.
This is the HTC One thread right? At least that's what this crazy tapatalk says. I assumed we were all on the same page here.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
This is the HTC One thread right? At least that's what this crazy tapatalk says. I assumed we were all on the same page here.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
I guess I'm the Dweib because I couldn't fully understand why someone would ask about speaker covers on that thread but I trend to give people the benefit of the doubt. Also, I don't know of any other example where someone had been gluing on a speaker cover on their phone. Since I do speaker repair (home audio system speakers, that is), I made the faulty assumption that's what you were referring to.

That said, I would now like to clarify (something I should have done initially), what you mean by speaker cover. Is this the very fine mesh that covers the speaker for the phone mounted on the motherboard or attached by a ribbon cable?

I wasn't aware of the other post thread and that's one problem when questions related to an issue discussed in one thread are then posted into a different thread. Surely you can understand my confusion.
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If you refer to the link I provided a few comments back, he references what he ended up going with. I'll provide a couple pictures taken from said thread, for your viewing pleasure.


Since I don't know anything about this type of repair, It would probably help if you read through his original thread and that would likely give you a better idea of how to proceed with offering your expertise on this matter.

(It might not be a bad idea to merge these two threads in order to avoid any future confusions? What do you guys think?)
Thanks for your help Mr Kat!

S5 tap'n
If you refer to the link I provided a few comments back, he references what he ended up going with. I'll provide a couple pictures taken from said thread, for your viewing pleasure.


Since I don't know anything about this type of repair, It would probably help if you read through his original thread and that would likely give you a better idea of how to proceed with offering your expertise on this matter.

(It might not be a bad idea to merge these two threads in order to avoid any future confusions? What do you guys think?)

S5 tap'n
Well this is exactly what I meant. Confusion on steroids.
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I would think that something like this would come with an adhesive already on it.. Peel the white wax paper and position it and stick it on..

I would say merge them as well. So no one else chases their tail... Like we have.
I say definitely merge the threads. We lost a day in productivity and I've got several new gray hairs.
I would think that something like this would come with an adhesive already on it.. Peel the white wax paper and position it and stick it on..

I would say merge them as well. So no one else chases their tail... Like we have.
I agree 100%. This should have adhesive on it and I wouldn't want to use anything in the way of adhesives inside my phone that the manufacturer or a reputable supplier hasn't already tested. Take the white waxed paper off and it should be self-adhesive.

It may not feel all that sticky but adhesives like those are typically slow reacting with very light tack. There is no pressure on it so it has time to adhere on its own and build up adhesion.