Gmail actions (delete/Archive) not reflecting in online inbox


Feb 23, 2010
Reaction score
Hi folks,

Sorry if this is in the wrong section. I've noticed this since I moved to DC recently. I receive emails fine on my phone. However, if I delete or archive mails on my phone, nothing happens in my web inbox at the gmail site. The mails do move to the appropriate folders/labels on my phone. It used to work fine before.

Has anyone noticed this and does anyone have any suggestions? I already checked my accounts & Sync settings, and everything is as it should be.

Should I backup and re-flash gapps?

That happens to me too. I figured it must just be an error with the GMail app itself.
Does it fix itself for you or has it consistently been this way? It's a bit annoying because I do tend to be much better about upkeep of my inbox on the phone and I hate having to re-do things again on the PC.
Try wiping your data/cache for gmail under Settings/Applications/Manage Applications. That usually gets my inbox back in sync...
Try wiping your data/cache for gmail under Settings/Applications/Manage Applications. That usually gets my inbox back in sync...
Thanks so much! That did the trick :). I'm loving my Droid 1 all over again after installing DC and using SetCPU. So much so that I'm going to hold off on my upgrade in a couple of months till I find a killer deal for an upgrade for my wife and I :)