Gmail, Blacked Out..... Now it's DARK... UPDATED 1/8

Oh man finally worked.
I extracted the zip
Copied the gmail.apk
Past it into /system/app
Past it into /data/app rename it to yada yada....
Flash it
Went into system/app and installed it by clicking it.
It said it did not install, but in reality it did.

Now step 2. Lol
I have black on black and when I open my email its white with black letters.
I downloaded v6. Was that ok?

Thanks again

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Uhmmm. So I saw black on black with some gray. Then when I opened an email it white with black letters. So I thought if I reflashed it it might fix the problem. Rather it took my gmail off line, it wasn't working anymore

I guess I wasn't suppose to flash it 2x huh?? Weird. Did anyone got it to work right with Droid x? Or is it me? Lol cause I'm also new to the Droid world but I'm picking it up. Just bare with me :)

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
Uhmmm. So I saw black on black with some gray. Then when I opened an email it white with black letters. So I thought if I reflashed it it might fix the problem. Rather it took my gmail off line, it wasn't working anymore

I guess I wasn't suppose to flash it 2x huh?? Weird. Did anyone got it to work right with Droid x? Or is it me? Lol cause I'm also new to the Droid world but I'm picking it up. Just bare with me :)

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I also was unable to get it to work...the opened mail was white with black text...and the "delete" "reply" "forward" etc buttons were not buttons, but were plain removed it.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Yea I also noticed that.. but the reply and the forward buttons are really small. They are under the sender's photo. Tiny buttons.. But Let me know if you get it working or the app may not be compatible with our phones.. :(
Had to replace with market version as force close when adding attachments. Anyone else had this?
the 50% transparent app is pretty cool.. Thats what i'm currently using.. Let me know if you like it..
Is any one else running this on miui and having the same results as me? The message list is BO'd but the message part is not and the reply buttons are missing. And when pressing the forward/reply text and you complete your message and press send it fc's. I would accuse miui but running on UD 3.1.1, it would force close also. Although with UD the message body would be blacked out.

D1 MIUI 1.3.5 p3LV125-1250 w/ RAMZSWAP & SetCPU using Mr_DSL's BlissSuaveHD v7 Theme. And onsht1kll's Time out Mod.

***Thank You TP4bama & JAMZELLE***
This is the latest invert of Gmail. However B-Boy and myself worked on a version that inverts the messages as well and it is in another thread I believe.
I'm mobile but I didn't know I still had that in my sig... lol... but ok, cool... :D

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