Gnex marketing vs Galaxy S2


New Member
Feb 10, 2011
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It seems odd to me that while the gnex is Sammys new 'flagship,' they are still putting out these iPhone bashing commercials involving they S2. Are they not pushing the gnex as hard due to some current issues? Will there be a point in time where the gnex will take the place of the S2 in these commercials?

In short, you might say I'm a little worried/concerned/curious about the focus Samsung has with the gnex. I've been considering the phone since early November, but this has been one of my main thoughts with the phone the entire time.

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It seems odd to me that while the gnex is Sammys new 'flagship,' they are still putting out these iPhone bashing commercials involving they S2. Are they not pushing the gnex as hard due to some current issues? Will there be a point in time where the gnex will take the place of the S2 in these commercials?

In short, you might say I'm a little worried/concerned/curious about the focus Samsung has with the gnex. I've been considering the phone since early November, but this has been one of my main thoughts with the phone the entire time.

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So what you're saying is that you won't buy a phone because its not used in a commercial?

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The Nexus is more of Google's flagship phone. We receive OTAs through Google, Samsung was just the hardware provider. There is no Samsung software on the phone.

The Galaxy line is Samsung's flagship lineup, so they would promote that over the Nexus.
The Nexus is more of Google's flagship phone. We receive OTAs through Google, Samsung was just the hardware provider. There is no Samsung software on the phone.

The Galaxy line is Samsung's flagship lineup, so they would promote that over the Nexus.

I see, the Galaxy Nexus isn't considered part of the Galaxy line?

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Most likely no, they don't consider it a part of the Galaxy line. They probably used the name because the Galaxy SII had such great sales in the last year overseas and now in the US. They figured they could ride the coat tails of the Galaxy's success a bit.

As Dezymond mentioned, Samsung just made the phone, but it's Google's device. That's why you're seeing those Google + commercials with the guy using the Nexus.

The SGSII is getting a lot of commercial time because it's been such a success for Samsung overseas, so they assume the same will occur here, which has been correct so far.

I have to say, I've enjoyed the SGSII commercials. The last one I saw the Apple guy said "The video says it looks the same as last years, how are people supposed to know I have the new one?"

+1 to the commercial writers.
And, I'd venture to guess they make more off the SGSII than the Gnex since it has their overlay and whatever software they want to bundle in, which they make money off of. So it's not surprising that they push the SGSII over the Gnex.....just as we see little to no advertising about the Gnex from Verizon either. They don't make as much off it as some of their other phones (such as Razr & Rezound).
Most likely no, they don't consider it a part of the Galaxy line. They probably used the name because the Galaxy SII had such great sales in the last year overseas and now in the US. They figured they could ride the coat tails of the Galaxy's success a bit.

As Dezymond mentioned, Samsung just made the phone, but it's Google's device. That's why you're seeing those Google + commercials with the guy using the Nexus.

+1 to the commercial writers.

This pretty much sums up the gist of my question, thank you.

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