GO BLUE theme

Should finish up framework tonight. Settings is all done and I hope to finish contacts tonight as well. After that I might just put it out for those that want it. Ill continueworking on it as well.

How about that big win?! Well it was only BG, but still a W.
I still think we are gonna get rolled when we get to the heart of the big ten schedule. That defense is way too soft and the offense will get tired trying to keep up with the defense getting ran over. and I will for sure use that when you are ready for it to be tested. Right now im running UD8..... waiting for UD9 .....still waiting for UD 9 lol
Theme looks good! GO BLUE! But I do agree we need a secondary BADLY, any update on Robinson? I haven't been by a TV or Radio all day..
Nice work, nmiltner! Perhaps we should start a Big 10 discussion thread.

Thanks for the kind words everyone.
Just so you know, right now this will be a MM theme. Hopefullly I will be posting the DL link tomorrow afternoon.
Just an update. I will be posting this tonight. It is still very much a work in progress. The more I tweak it, the more I feel it isn't good enough.

Right now the theme will be for framework-res, settings, and contacts. I have also done the icons for MMS, talk, browser, and desk clock.

Again, this will be an MM theme until I finalize everything.

Ill also be removing the Michigan helmet from the pull down and the m from the pull down bar. Just don't want any copyright infringements.
awwwww that was the best part! lol make a special copy for me!!!! :) ha jk! i bet it still looks awesome!