Good Band Thread

In my humble opinion, we should change the name and update the rules. As the OP stated, this thread was started with one share new (er) / obscure music that we may not be aware of. I absolutely love Jonny Cash, but I already have his songs on my phone and am very familiar with this work. I want to hear new (er) bands that I am not familiar with. I think we already have a thread for Favorite Music. That's where we can post our favorite tracks of all time, and reminisce. If we don't have one....let's start one. That makes it fairly simple. One thread to share our all-time favorites and another to share obscure music that is not familiar to many people. Again, that's just my opinion and I am not, I repeat am not, saying anyone is wrong or broke any rules. It would just be nice to get this back to what it was and move on.

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Love it, Sajo️! I'm starting the "Favorite Music Thread" with one of my favorites. We can keep this as the "Obscure Music Thread" with rules that it is for music that is not top 40, not well known, new bands/music that needs more exposure and should be discovered. I think this should work for everyone.

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Edit: Oh, guess I won't start the new thread. Sajo beat me to it.... or rediscovered the one that already existed. So I'll just have to post there.
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IMO, just leave the thread as is, any music instead of only music a certain member likes.

Of come on, Mr. Salty. First of all, as I've said more then once now, there is plenty of music in this thread I didn't like. Plenty of MODERN music. When I started this thread I wanted to be turned on and turn others onto: new music. It was never intended to be used to... get kids into 80's music. I just have a feeling you are one of 'those people' that think there hasn't been a good song written in 15 years. At least. Amirite?
Have you found anything new in this thread that you like? I hope you did.
Do you click links we share, or just post?

Bottom line: But you know what, the more I think about... It's my thread! I started it. I decide da' rules. Not you. Go away and post in that other thread. or start your own!
:D bwahahahaha :D
LMAO I just tried to find ANYTHING that said "80's music sucks"... anything. .gif. meme. pic. Anything.
I couldn't find one thing.
Apparently 80's music does not suck.
hehehehe ;)
Yeah, but 60's & 70's music is the best!

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I like your idea
In my humble opinion, we should change the name and update the rules. As the OP stated, this thread was started with one share new (er) / obscure music that we may not be aware of. I absolutely love Jonny Cash, but I already have his songs on my phone and am very familiar with this work. I want to hear new (er) bands that I am not familiar with. I think we already have a thread for Favorite Music. That's where we can post our favorite tracks of all time, and reminisce. If we don't have one....let's start one. That makes it fairly simple. One thread to share our all-time favorites and another to share obscure music that is not familiar to many people. Again, that's just my opinion and I am not, I repeat am not, saying anyone is wrong or broke any rules. It would just be nice to get this back to what it was and move on.

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I may have posted this one before, I can't remember. If I did I am sorry for the dup post. My daughter just reminded me about this song and I cranked it up while cleaning the dinner dishes.

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Missed that Kaleo one. I'll check it out.

And now for something completely (a little) different. I'm sure some people know this band. This tune just came across my Spotify and I thought it was very catchy. Kind of made me think of something David Bowie might do if, well y'a know. ;)

Arcade Fire: Everything Now.
Apparently there's some kind of conecpt thing going on with this album and there are a few tracks called "Everything Now": Everything Now (continued) and Everything Now (Todo-Ya)
This is the one that caught my... ear.

These guys eventually became "Run Kid Run." This was shot at a place in a small town called Carmi, IL. The "Basement" was a place where kids could go and hear great music. It was exactly what it says, a basement in one of the band member houses. They had a show every weekend and if your band was lucky enough to get an invite then you knew you had "made it" (in the local scene anyway) Shoulder to shoulder in there but an absolute blast. Some of my best memories.
Good stuff guys. Those two new ones may not end up on my personal thumbs up playlist, but definitely cool.

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In This Moment featuring Rob Halford
Black Wedding
Thanks Pere. I've heard a few of their other songs and they weren't really my style. That one might go in my Thumbs Up playlist.

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