Google Map Voice, after GB updae


Feb 13, 2010
Reaction score
I had a very soothing and realistic voice on my Google Maps directions...then it suggested I update to some POS google voice DL and now I'm back to a POS Ms. Robotic voice commands...UHGH...Ya can't win for frigg'n loose'n. There is no way to know where it downloaded to is there??

My suggestion here, DON'T TAKE THE MAP VOICE DL!!
Yeah this happened to me too. How do you get it to go back?
Same thing happened to me. How do we delete the download?

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Wtf I wanted a darth vader voice, gingerbread fails at another thing

sent from the bolt
Ok, I guess I should be asking how did you guys manage to get the alternate voice in the first place because I didn't have it to begin with. I'm running a custom ROM and wonder if that has anything to do with that.