Google Play Music: easiest way to download cloud-music to phone?


New Member
Jan 7, 2016
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xperia z3 compact
Is there an easy way to download all music uploaded to Google Play Music-Cloud on my mobile phone?

I started uploading my music to the cloud, The music is shown in the Google Play Music App on my phone, and I know how to download the albums. But as I have about 20.000 songs and therefore lots of different albums, it takes ages to download each album seperately.

There is a playlist of the last 500 songs updated which I can download completely, but its only the latest 500 tracks. Is there any chance or trick to download all music from the cloud to my phone in fewer steps? Even it would take some time, I need a way without clicking on every single album by hand..
From what I've seen, the quickest is to add it all to one playlist and download that way. I'm looking as well.
Goog idea, thank you! But is a playlist not limited to a number of songs?
And: If I put it all in one or more playlist to download it then - will the downlaoded music-files stay on my phone in case I delete the playlists afterwards?
I'll have to test it out. I'm new to Google Play music.
I have my Google Play Music app set to download my Thumbs Up playlist whenever I'm on wifi. So, I can stream whatever music I want and then just tap the thumbs up on the tracks that I'd really like to have whether I have a data connection or not. I'd say that playlist trick is probably the best way.

To me, the point of uploading music was to be able to have it with me anywhere and be able to stream it. Though, I've got over 9-10GB of music downloaded now thanks to that Thumbs Up Playlist.

I've got All Access, so I can stream anything I uploaded years ago when that service first started plus a ton more music.

I'm not sure if they'll stay on the phone if you delete the playlist. I would assume so, but I've never tried. And as much as I like testing things out, I'm not going to volunteer to delete my thumbs up playlist and have to start all over. ;)
Good, idea Google Play Music!)