Google talk as default SMS


New Member
Mar 14, 2010
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Hi guys, forgive me if this is answered elsewhere, but I searched and looked through the FAQs and couldn't find the answer.

Is is possible to use google talk as the default SMS delivery option? For example- if someone sends me a text to my carrier's #, and I reply, is there a way to have this go out using my gvoice service and #? (thus bypassing carrier SMS fees)

The SMS works just fine when I'm inside the google voice app, but when someone sends a text to my normal #, it's kind of a pain to switch over, put their number in as a new message, etc.

TIA for any thoughts!
If you go into the dialer, then contacts and click on someone's name you'll see the little sms icon to the right of their phone numbers.

Click on that icon. You should get a pop-up that asks "complete action using...". Select google voice and remember to check the box "use by default".

Also, you do realize that in order to receive texts through google voice, your friends would have to text your gv number, not your cell number?
Thanks Kodiak! I actually don't get a pop-up when doing that, but it appears that google voice is already the default action when I go that route. What I was looking for was a global option- like in gv settings there's a "make all calls using google voice" I was hoping there was a similar option for SMS.

I do realize that any texts to my cell# would go through the carrier, but what I was thinking is that if I reply using my GV #, that's what they, in turn, would use on their subsequent reply. No problem, I can get everyone over to the GV# eventually- was just looking for a shortcut.

One question on a similar note if you or anyone would be kind enough to answer- when a text comes in to GV, it appears in my normal message inbox as well. I assume this is just a SMS from google copying the text sent to my GV# right? And in this case, I'm getting dinged for a text to my carrier- I can't seem to find an option to not do this.

Thanks again!
I don't think you can disable SMS forwarding via the GV app. IIRC you need to hit the full GV site on your PC. If you choose to use the browser on your Droid you need to change the user agent so you get the full site and not the mobile site.
Actually, I poked around and found you can disable SMS forwarding. Settings > SMS & Voice > uncheck "send a text message to"