GPS Malfunction


New Member
Jul 25, 2015
Reaction score
Current Phone Model
Samsung note 3
Hi guys!

So, I recently rooted my phone and if I remember correctly, it didn't cause problems to my gps. Then, my friend accidentally made my phone kinda fly and I think the gps came loose or i dont know. Before everything else, gps was working fine. I tried the gps status and toolbar, fixing it via nvrebuild, and topntc. I would try reattaching the board but i couldnt remove 3 screws from my device. So, im not sure if the rooting was the problem or the phone flying. BTW, before rooting and everything, gps was working fine.

What happens is, first, I'd get good gps signal and would be able to navigate my way (using waze). Then at one point, the signal just disappears and im just a dot and my gps would malfunction. In essence, it works for like a good 2 mins and gets bad the rest of the time. I've been observing it for days and it seems to work decently (doesn't get bad) when it's morning or late at night. I find the inconsistency annoying and tiring to worry about.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!
Most likely would come from your friend who sent your phone flying. I've never had any GPS issues when I rooted my device. The only time I did was when I flashed a ROM and it was the incorrect version.
What are your settings as far as accuracy on the device?? (If that's still relevant with your rom)