GPS problem - "Searching for GPS" using Google Maps


Jul 31, 2012
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I started having a really frustrating problem a while back with my Droid Turbo when trying to use the Navigation feature on Google Maps. I lose my GPS signal every couple minutes and get the message "Searching for GPS location". My location doesn't update and then when it does finally reconnect my location starts jumping around sporadically rather than moving smoothly like normal. It makes Navigation basically unuseable on my phone.
This happens intermittently - some days Nav works just fine, but when the "Searching for GPS' message pops up it makes Nav useless for days at a time, and then for no apparent reason one day it will work fine again.

I know its not a signal issue because my wife also has a Droid Turbo, and we can be in the same car sitting right next to each other, both running Google Maps Nav to the same address. Her GPS works flawlessly and has never disconnected. Mine does it constantly, so must be an issue with my phone, right?

Has anyone else experienced this problem or has an idea of how to fix it?
Fwiw I have my location mode set to "High Accuracy - use GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth, or cellular networks to determine location".
Google Maps is version 9.49.2 and I have tried clearing data and clearing the cache for this app.
Im running Android version 6.01, but this issue was been going on even before the update to Marshmallow.

Thanks, appreciate any and all help.
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Try loading up GPS Status Toolbox. That might shed some light on what's going on and at the very least will ensure that download the latest ephemeris file. (assisted GPS).
I have been having a similar issue! GPS locks have been terrible lately! One thing I have noticed is I have most of my problems getting a lock when it is plugged into a charger/car charger! After I get a lock, I plug it back in.
Does this only happen with Maps? Have you tried Waze and if so does it stay locked on to a signal?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
I experience this issue with anything requiring a GPS location... i.e. maps, snapchat, etc.