Having trouble installing roms and themes through rom manager


Nov 13, 2010
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I'm trying to load a theme and or rom from inside of rom manager, the preloaded ones that you can download inside the app. I download and it asks me to backup, I do and then it boots into clockwork mod. After it does the lengthy backup process it says it installs the rom or theme and then I get back to clockwork again and I reboot. From there I'm stuck on the M logo. Battery pull and restore back to where I started. What steps am I missing here? That M logo screen is scary for as long as it stays up there......
I'd say don't use rom manager to install roms/themes, use clockworkmod instead with the bootstrapper. Rom Manager isn't very reliable with the DX
Can I still dl themes and roms through the phone itself? Or do I have to plug in and go through the computer.

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yeah, you can download the roms and themes through rom manager, just apply the update.zip by booting into clockworkmod recovery manually