HELP PLEASE! 4.0.4 Update Error Status 7


New Member
Jun 4, 2010
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So I've been trying to update from ICL53F to the new IMM76K. I keep getting the following error:

assert failed: apply_patch_check("/system/app/BooksTablet.apk". "8ea285ca8bf5f291f61419b960eec30decba7963". "fa756dadaaab221113cca718fe362c9f9254c988")
E:Error in /sdcard/
(Status 7)
Installation aborted.

I downloaded a BooksTablet.apk and copied it over to /system/app with Root Explorer, but I'm still getting this error when I try to apply in CMR. I am rooted and unlocked, stock 4.0.2, but I guess I removed the Books app in the past with a few others through Titanium (though I've just now reinstalled it as well).

Anybody have any thoughts?
I am pretty sure that means the zip file is bad. Possibly a bad download of it. I used to run into this every once in a while with my Droid X. Try redownloading the zip.
Did you set permissions for the books apk? Use root explorer and long press the apk. Perms should be RW/R/R
I've tried both of your suggestions and I'm still running into problems. I downloaded the .zip straight from Google when they reposted it, and I've changed the BooksTablet.apk permissions to RW/R/R.... I'm still getting the exact same error!
After having the same issue myself, I spent about 3 hours last night trying to resolve it, and was finally able to get the OTA to take. I hadn't considered it, but on some other site someone pointed out that those long strings of characters after the apk name are checksums. So just installing books from the market won't work, nor will downloading the apk and moving it with Root Explorer (I had tried both methods too).

At 2:30 in the morning, I apparently was too pissed/tired to think clearly, and deleted everything from my PC, so here is what fixed it for me:
  1. Download the stock ROM from here:
  2. Use WinRAR (or whatever you have that will open tgz files) to extract the system.img file from the stock rom
  3. Convert the img file to an ext4-formatted-img using this tool: xda-developers - View Single Post - [HOW TO][Windows]Extract Deodex Sign and Zipalign an official ROM
  4. Once you've got it converted, mount the image and extract the files you need using Disk Internals LinuxReader Access to Ext 2/3/4, HFS and ReiserFS from Windows
  5. Copy the files to your phone and use Root Explorer to move them to the /system/app folder
  6. Try to apply the update.
This was all a giant PITA, but this fixed it for me.
Good luck!