Help restoring a nandroid backup please


New Member
Sep 24, 2011
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So I created a nandroid backup before flashing the unl3ash3d rom and I want to switch back to that. I've booted into recovery mode using the bionic bootstrap and after doing a hard reset and clearing the cache and dalvik, selected restore, then chose my nandroid back up. Once it said it was done restoring I rebooted but my bionic was still on the unl3ash3d rom. So I was wondering where I went wrong in restoring my nandroid backup. Am I supposed to zip the backup file and then flash it like I did the unl3ash3d rom?
Maybe you made a Nandroid backup while still on the Unleashed ROM lol. Try FXBing (or whatever its called these days) and make a stock nandroid backup and try again.
I'm also thinking that somehow you may have made a backup of the Unl3ash3d ROM and that's what you restored.... Also, to do restores with bootstrap you must have the Nandroid on your SDCard-ext...

Other than that, you can alwyas flash the Stock Deodexed ROM, if that's what you were wanting, back to stock (deodexed is better if stock)
You can only restore a nandroid back to the rom it was made on. You need to re-flash that same rom to boot the nandroid.

That info is incorrect, you can nandroid back to any image from any ROM as long as you have bootstrap (CWM) installed