Help!!! Trouble with RSD lite

XP. And I just redownloaded that sbf file and tried doing it again but it still said Fail. The same story about the INI file
there's been some posts that the 64 bit drivers give people trouble. for me when i check rsd it doesnt find my phone. I have to go to config and select first-come something or other. it wont auto detect.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

YOU ARE A GOD! Just read your message, been so caught up in trying to get stuff to work. Went back to my newer cpu and did this and it worked
GOOD JOB GUYS :D I read this and I was like uh oh.. this dude's f**ked. I didn't even know there was a margin of error in RSDLite.

But I'm glad you got your Droid working again, and welcome back :]
there's been some posts that the 64 bit drivers give people trouble. for me when i check rsd it doesnt find my phone. I have to go to config and select first-come something or other. it wont auto detect.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

YOU ARE A GOD! Just read your message, been so caught up in trying to get stuff to work. Went back to my newer cpu and did this and it worked

glad to hear it!

I'll add this to the 3rd link in my sig, thanks.