How many people regret buying the S4

Not really - but seeing my friends Note3 - it would sway wanting the iPad Mini's features.
I like the S4.

But that's easy for me to say because I bought the Note 3.
I think the s4 is finally a phone that comparable to the Iphone. I only owned the Iphone for a brief period of time, but every family member has it. I am coming from a decade long Blackberry background. Blackberry was great for texting, emailing, and phone calls but sucked in every other form.
No because I like a phone I can fit in my pocket. These phablets or whatever they're called are too big! You need a bag or pouch to carry them.
this thread made me nervous until I read it.... LOL I like mine so far 4 days and counting....

I actually had my razr for 2 years.... it was working great until recently (crashes)..... did not see anything that compelled me to upgrade - it had to be a pretty big difference..... the specs on the S4 look pretty sweet.... :)
No regrets here. Whatsoever. Note 3 is too big for a phone IMO. I don't like using both hands. If I want something bigger, I grab my Nexus 7.

My next phone will be the S5. :)
Was headed for an S4, then read something negative about it and hesitated. Then found something that grabbed me, so I passed on the S4. Who knows, might start looking at the S5 when it comes around.
The lockdown will be even worse for the S5. I have bought my first and last Samsung phone.

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I liked my S4, I just happen to like my Moto X 1000 times better. So, I wouldnt say I regret it. It was still a great phone.
My source is public information on the General Dynamics website. They are now certifying S3 and S4 phones with KNOX as a secure platform. I can post links later but if you Google - Samsung General Dynamics KNOX, you will find information.

The bootloader will not be cracked. The last couple of OS patches were to fix up the holes.
This is my first and last Samsung phone.
They are now in bed with the DoD.

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No regrets. Love it. It was a huge upgrade from my thunderbolt.
Oh don't get me wrong the phone is great. I can't deal with Samsung providing no alternative to users that don't want or need KNOX.

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How could I regret buying phone with such tech spec? ;) It just could be a little smaller but still it's a really great choice