How the HELL do I turn off this Picasa crap???


New Member
Apr 16, 2010
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Ever since the OTA update a couple of weeks ago my Droid Bionic has been pestering me every single f'ing day to allow "picasa" to access my gmail account.

I don't have any picasa crap installed, I don't have a picasa account, there is no picasa app specified on my phone and I've never been to picasa's website. So why the hell is it attacking me daily?

Is picasa just some sort of virus?

Every day around noon I get a little triangle in the notification bar and every day it says that picasa wants to be granted access to my gmail account. Every day I click on the "deny" button only to be re-asked the very f****ng next day if I want to re-deny it.

My phone lost it's root with the OTA update, do I need to re-root it to remove the picasa virus?

Note- I don't use the standard "gallery" app since it is now so terrible, I use a version of the original gallery (the one with folders, etc).

When I go into the unused gallery app that shipped with the phone, all of the options are unchecked, meaning it is not trying to "display friends activities" the "media share" setting is unchecked, etc.

I can't be the only person dealing with this picasa virus. Can anyone help me figure out how to neuter it?

I'm not sure what setting it is (I don't think it's the "media share" you mentioned) but there is a setting to automatically upload every picture you take with the BIONIC to the "cloud". That cloud is Picassa, and if you don't have an account set up maybe it's your camera shots trying to upload?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Check under the phone's SETTINGS | ACCOUNTS and verify that a Picasa account was not automatically setup. Just in case.
Check under the phone's SETTINGS | ACCOUNTS and verify that a Picasa account was not automatically setup. Just in case.

I have facebook, several gmails "backup assistant" and a skype account listed in there. But no picasa.
I'm not sure what setting it is (I don't think it's the "media share" you mentioned) but there is a setting to automatically upload every picture you take with the BIONIC to the "cloud". That cloud is Picassa, and if you don't have an account set up maybe it's your camera shots trying to upload?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums

I went into the camera app and pulled up its settings. Geotagging is the only setting of any interest other than the video resolution.

This picasa virus doesn't seem to be a camera setting...
Stumped. You might check the GALLERY application settings. There are settings there for uploading pics.
Picasa is not a virus.

Go to:

Settings > Accounts > To the Google account that picasa asks permission for.

Click on that and you'll see a bunch of stuff like:

Sync books, contacts, gmail, etc.

Uncheck all the stuff you don't need. Sync Instant Upload might be the reason.
stop picasa

Ok here is the answer
Settings, accounts, google, click your gmail, at the bottom uncheck sync picasa album. Done. Took me a minute to figure this one out but it is not requesting access any more.