How to find the rom that is right for me

Those using 2.3.1 on the droid 2 the dev noted it is safe to use the 2.3.20 sbf if there comes a need for it.
Ensure that when you are flashing a theme that you be patient I was tempted to do a battery pull but it takes a while and you will be at the droid eye for a lil bit.
VERY important!!

Ensure that when you are flashing a theme that you be patient I was tempted to do a battery pull but it takes a while and you will be at the droid eye for a lil bit.

DroidForums junkie!!
That's a big 10 4

There have been several times I felt tempted to pull the batt on first boot. Just sit back and wait to feel that vibrate.

tappin and a talkin
I said before that during the time I use a dev's rom I would ask them some questions so people can get a little insight. Now I am not going rock star with it and asking them for their autograph because that would be whack IMO, but this will let you see sort of the mind behind the rom.

SO here are my questions (my questions are in red) to Angdroid and his answers.

1) Tell us a little bout yourself, your crew, what yall do, and what got you started with android and developing for it.

2) With the "locked bootloader" many devs were afraid to take a crack at making roms what made you take it on?

3) What is fission and what are your future goals for this rom?

4) Here is a tough question but I know it in the back of people's minds. Though Koush, Jrummy, and other devs have a rom manager or a mod type app on sale in the android market. Why are you "selling" a rom manager and what is the real difference between the light and full version? And are you going to put fission manager on the market?

5) being that you have a base with Aosp roms have you looked into collaborating with some of the droid 1 devs so they can tey to port some of their roms to the droid 2/x/global?

Thanks for your time and continue you work on this nice rom.

My first Android device was the G1 when it first came out. I was a long time Windows Mobile user and attempted to make the switch when the G1 came out but I was not able to get a cell signal in the apartment so I went back to AT&T and to HTC WinMo devices. I switched to a Droid 1 after I had an issue with AT&T customer service and knowing WP7 was going to be a stinker so I decided to make the switch. It wasn't until this past July or so that I made the switch.

I guess you can say I started my development at that time. First thing I did was do a search for droid forums which led me to Read all the guides where I learned how to root, theme and some other stuff. From there it led to me to Koush's work and cvps. Followed their guides and created a ROM or two for myself. Was nothing worth publishing since it was based off of their work and just contained my little tweaks and settings I liked.

2) With the "locked bootloader" many devs were afraid to take a crack at making roms what made you take it on?

My stubbornness made me take it on. I could not stand blur after using generic Android for a few months but wanted to upgrade to the Droid 2.

3) What is fission and what are your future goals for this rom?

Fission is our Blurless ROM for the Dorid 2, Droid X, Droid 2 Global, soon to be on Motorola Milestone 2 since there have many requests lately for it and hopefully Droid Pro.

The name came to me quickly after seperating Android from Blur :)

The future goals of this ROM is to carry it over to new Moto Android devices. What myself and other team members have learned over the past few months can be carried over to future Android devices by Motorola that use Blur. I am very happy with the Moto Droid series of phones and Verizon service so I see no reason to change any time soon.

A good example of this would be the new Droid2 Global ROM that was just released. I was able to get it up and running fairly quickly with what was learned from the Droid 2. Moto did make some changes to it which made it a bit more difficult to convert the source of the Global into more of a generic Android build. So hopefully they do not lock it down more with each new device.

4) Here is a tough question but I know it in the back of people's minds. Though Koush, Jrummy, and other devs have a rom manager or a mod type app on sale in the android market. Why are you "selling" a rom manager and what is the real difference between the light and full version? And are you going to put fission manager on the market?

That is a tough question?


I do not see the difference between the apps you mentioned and FRM.

I think there has been a lot of wrong information spread around and hopefully this clears it up.

I like to call Fission ROM Manager contribution ware at this point. We do not have a minimum price and offer a great way for you to install ROMs and add ons to your device.

The ROM, hotfixes, themes that devs wish to put on FRM and many other add ons for it can be found on the Lite version.

Fission ROM Manager full has more content, options and you are not just "buying" the ROM Manager. There are planned apps that will be hitting the market for a small price which will be on FRM Full for no additional fee. You also have a direct support email to myself and in the short future to other team members. For people who donate over $25 get a Team DeFuse Got Root? T-Shirt to go with FRM and future apps.

I actually think our model is better than Koush's model (Disclaimer: I am not knocking ROM Manager nor Koush). We do not have a set price for the app and we are starting to share "donations" with devs who are creating themes for Fission. It is not much but a way for everyone to get a little something.

5) being that you have a base with Aosp roms have you looked into collaborating with some of the droid 1 devs so they can tey to port some of their roms to the droid 2/x/global?
I want to say thanks to Angdroid and team defuse for their support. Fission is a solid rom and a great addition to the droid 2 rom community. Tonight I will be flashing squidly's rom and will spend this week learning and sharing some tips I learned.

Again this thread is not meant or in this thread will I choose or say which rom is better. I just want to point out some tips I picked up from flashing the rom, give some insight into the dev team and their hard work, and allow you the user to decide which rom is best for you.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
Thanks for doing this pc!

I hope I don't preempt any special tips you might provide for Squidly's rom, but I would like to share that he has built in scripts to add/remove different apps and parts of Blur. One of the other nice things is that it is really easy to run the scripts to overclock your device - and to remove your overclock settings - just power off and back on! His rom section on this site has been pretty active with people helping people - so don't hesitate to stop in. dancedroid

I am sorry I did not answer all the questions yet...Just been really busy with work and been spending my free time build 2.4 of Fission for the Droid X, Droid 2 and Droid 2 Global.

I promise I will get back to it tonight...

Thanks for everything you have done for me and same goes for everyone at

If I never ran across this site I would not be as far into my development as I am now. I learned so much from here and from all the great people on the site.
Some Q/A with Squidlymandingo the developer of squidly roms:


1) Tell us a little about yourself

2) what got you into building roms.

3) What is squidlymandingo and what are your future goals for the rom.

4) This rom has a Bugless Beast feel with the scriptybox what inspired you to take that approach.

5) Are their any tips you would like to share to help members get the most out of their rom experience.

Thanks for your time. First off thank you for trying my rom,I was born and raised in the Boston area.I have been working with dc motive power and backup systems for 10 years as my full time job,and in my spare time I work on my car, motorcycle ,and phone(obviously).I started building roms mainly because I was a huge fanboy of Pete and Fab's Nextheme on my D1 and I wanted that same kind of feel.I wanted the ability to have full blur ,a little blur or none without having to flash roms every day.My main goal for Squidly is a stable as stock,fast,and efficient on battery life rom.A few tips I would give my users would be to remove apks you don't need(it's saved to sd if you want to reinstall them),and play with overclocking ,settings every phone is different so find what you like.There are new D2 roms emerging lately and that is great everybody should be able to find a flavor they like.
Custom ROM`s are necessary?


first of all thanks all for this great thread and posts....
I have a milestone 2
Android 2.2
Build number:MILS2_U6_2.2.16

Kernel version:

I want to use openVPN or similar install openVPN setting ,it says phone must be rooted...
in this case do i need to install a custom ROM or just rooting the phone is enough?
Because am new to this and i don`t have previous experience..

According to above information,
which method of rooting will be better -easy rooting with quick apps or?

If i need a Custom ROM for using apps like OpenVPN and all...which rom is best one available right now..?

Note:Am sorry,am not sure ,is this the correct thread to ask all these questions..
I am not familiar with the milestone but I will search xda for milestone roms and post the link here.
Thanks for your reply

I think milestone 2 and droid 2 are almost same....milestone 2 is just a GSM version of droid 2...
updates op..........