How to hover over a link?


New Member
Aug 16, 2010
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Hope I posted in the right forum. This is more like a question for all touch devices. How do I hover over a link on my phone, so that it will show a whole list of things to choose in that option like I can do with a mouse? There are certain websites that I cannot access on my phone because of this problem, and it really limits my ability to use the internet. Is there an app to download, a certain way to touch the screen, or just simply impossible to do? It'd help me a lot. Thank you.
If you're talking about right clicking, then the closest thing to that is long holding on the phone.
Thank you for your reply, but that's not what I meant. Please take a look at the snapshot I just attached for example. I'm quite surprised I'm the only one who has this problem :sad:
Hmm. I am not sure. Might want to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player installed. Its in the market. Hope that helps
I got a Droid 2, so Adobe Flash Player already came with the phone.

Looks like smartphones can't replace PC's just yet :icon_frown:
Try another browser from the market.
None of the browsers I've seen have a cursor, which limits scripts or css that use hover effects or anything of that type, I know a lot of web addresses don't have a mobile site, but if they do Id use it, google is just makin sure we still have to buy computers imo :p
Not possible AFAIK....
After a bit of searching I found the site you used as an example. Using Dolphin Browser HD the items with sub-menues have little arrows next to them. Just tap and you'll see the sub-menue.

A quick check shows that this works on the stock browser as well.
with these phone usually when click on whatever you would hover over on a pc it does the same thing it wont open the page just pops up
Thanks a lot for helping out, everyone. I installed Dolphin HD and it did solve the problem on the page that I'd used as an example. It's a great browser and I really missed out for not using it more early. Unfortunately, there are still some websites that it just can't do. I think the main factor depends on whether a site is mobile-friendly or not, rather than the phone or the browser.

This is the site that I wanted to use yesterday, but it was down, so I had to use something else: Electrical Engineering Department - SJSU

For instance, I wanted to go to the Adjunct Faculty page, but I could never get that far without going to the Faculty page instead. Props to anyone who could do that on their phone. I simply gave up. It's such a shame an engineering department's web page is less mobile-friendly than some other department's. Hopefully this problem will be solved once smartphones become more popular.
I tried this site. It is a little wonky, but I can make it work.

Touch and hold the menu item you want. As soon as the submenu shows up drag your finger to the submenu and lift. You can then tap the submenu.

Timing is important. Hold too long and you get Dolphin HD's selection menu instead. Also, if you try to resize the screen after the submenu is available it will move to the top left of the screen.

Generally took me a few tries to get the right page.
It's amazing you could do it :hail: Thank you for the detailed explanation. This is even trickier than the last level of Angry Birds. I either tapped too early, too late, or at the wrong place. At least I'm using a better browser now, thanks to this problem.
Cool, Learned something new...been using Xscope for a while, might have to trey Dolphin out again.
Stupid Smart Phones

Hope I posted in the right forum. This is more like a question for all touch devices. How do I hover over a link on my phone, so that it will show a whole list of things to choose in that option like I can do with a mouse? There are certain websites that I cannot access on my phone because of this problem, and it really limits my ability to use the internet. Is there an app to download, a certain way to touch the screen, or just simply impossible to do? It'd help me a lot. Thank you.

Anybody got the javascript equivalent for onMouseOver and onMouseOut or CSS :hover that works on a touch device to pop up a graphic or display title and alt?

TouchStart, TouchEnd, LongTouch, TouchMove, Kinetic???
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