How to play MP3 with its lyrics being showed in the Note 3 stock Music Player app?


New Member
Dec 19, 2014
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How to play MP3 with its lyrics being showed?

I have copied some .mp3 files and their corresponding .lrc files with the same file name to a folder in SD card.
And I am sure that I had checked 'Lyrics' option in Settings of the stock Music Player app on my Samsung Galaxy Note 3.

But any lyrics was showed while I played the mp3 files.
These .mp3 and .lrc files were downloaded from VOA website.

Any help? Thank you in advance.
I didn't even know that the stock Samsung music player had an option to show lyrics, so I'm afraid I can't help you with this one.
I have that on my S5 and it seems to be extremely random in nature. I've never been able to figure out why it works with some songs but not others.
Sorry I can't offer any help, but I do look forward to any helpful replies you may get to resolve this issue. Good luck!

S5 tap'n
I didn't even know that the stock Samsung music player had an option to show lyrics, so I'm afraid I can't help you with this one.
Would you look at that? Haha! I use Google play music, so I've never even opened the stock player on my note 4. At least, not on purpose...

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I have that on my S5 and it seems to be extremely random in nature. I've never been able to figure out why it works with some songs but not others.
Sorry I can't offer any help, but I do look forward to any helpful replies you may get to resolve this issue. Good luck!

S5 tap'n
Thank you very much.

As far as I get to know, the stock Music Player does support Lyrics in MP3 file itself while it does not support .lrc format file. :(
Would you look at that? Haha! I use Google play music, so I've never even opened the stock player on my note 4. At least, not on purpose...

Sent from my Note 4 via Tapatalk
Thank you. But you know we can not use almost any Google products from mainland China. :(