How to root Droid 2

To test if it was rooted sucessfully, on the apps market download a free app that requires root like Titanium backup. Once downloaded and installed, load the app and you'll get a screen saying Superuser is asking for permission. Accept it, congrats your Droid 2 is rooted.

Can't you just look for the Ninja?


I just ordered the Droid 2. I hope it performs better then my rooted Droid because I'm definitely not going through all this.

There has got to be an easier way. Preferably one that works with a Mac.
another little thing that can make life easier...

just copy the files from Droid2Root folder into the tools folder where adb is located. In the command prompt, just cd into tools folder and work from there the entire time. No need to change directories back and forth or add adb to your path.
I have read everything.

The part where i having trouble like this

C:/>android-sdk/tools> adb devices
its says "access is denied"

I have downloaded files from xdadevelopers
Add me to the droid 2 rooted club :icon_ banana:
Now that we have Root!

Has anybody tried a new boot animation?

Wait, just tried it and worked with no issues.
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have they already made a stock backup file for it? i wanna do it but not until i know theres a way back to stock
Could someone please walk me through this? I've never had enough guts to do ADB stuff and I quickly found out why. I am getting pretty pissed at Moto and VZ for repeatedly making it harder to do what we want with our phones.
can somebody PLEASE help me out? i have been trying forever to setup the sdk and everytime i get the same error... WARNING!: Java not found in your path. checking it it's installed in C/:program Files (x86)Java instead... etc... i have tried every video, blog, etc, none of it works. all i need to do is set up the sdk. i am running windows 7 x64
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can somebody PLEASE help me out? i have been trying forever to setup the sdk and everytime i get the same error... WARNING!: Java not found in your path. checking it it's installed in C/:program Files (x86)Java instead... etc... i have tried every video, blog, etc, none of it works. all i need to do is set up the sdk

Assuming you just want to don't need to setup or install the SDK. You need to download SDK zip file but you really only need the one folder inside called "tools". All I did was extract that folder to my C drive, so it shows up as C:\tools

Inside this folder is the adb program. open your command prompt and navigate to that directory. now type 'adb devices' to get started.
What happens if I brick my phone by doing this incorrectly? Is there a fool proof way to recover to factory settings? I have no problem rooting as long as I can fix it myself if I mess up. Thanks.

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
okay, i get to this step every time - ./rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin and then it says cannot find adb: No such file or directory

and then it never gets to this part..

- let the process run until it returns you to c:/Droid2Root
what do i do???
after I change drives to :


and type "- adb push Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apk" I get the following:

"'adb' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file"

any ideas?
damn verizon updated software now i cant get root access. i can re do all the steps but as soon as i cycle power on my phone i get the $ sign when i log into the shell. it seems i still have root access but the programs wont work correctly. any ideas on how to proceed