How to root your Incredible 2 with 2.3.4 explained

ok i have re downloaded it twice and everytime i get the samething so getting pissed at the phone im bout ready to break it we i see i downloaded superoneclick to root a phone for a friend so i was like screw it whats the worst that can happen so i run it now my phone has super user i can run some root app but not all cause my s-on so why wont vwhk-12102011-c work for me ??????
This is all based off of the post on XDA forum from attn1. All credit goes to attn1 and the persons listed in his original post.

All comments I have seen on this method have stated that it is not for “noobs” and shouldn’t be attempted. I will say this, once I figured out what I was doing wrong, the process was very simple and automatic. I will explain what I did right and wrong in an attempt to help anyone looking to root their Droid Incredible 2 with 2.3.4.

Here is the link to the post over on XDA forums:

Read through it and download everything it tells you to. I would suggest saving all downloads to your desktop for now so you know exactly where they are. Once you have done that you will need to move the file to the root (not in another folder) of your C: drive. The easiest way to do this (for windows 7 users) is to click on the file folder in the bottom left corner of your screen, then click on the OS (C: ). Drag and drop the file from the desktop to the C: drive. Once it is there right click on the file and select extract all. You are now done with the C: drive and can close that window.

Connect your phone to the computer via the data cable. Close the auto run window, and do not let the phone install the Verizon software. Makesure you have USB debugging turned on (menu>settings>applications>development>USBdebugging) and that the phone is in charge only mode.

Next click on the start button and in the search field typein CMD. This will bring a pop up list with CMD (command prompt) at the top. Right click on CMD and then click on run as administrator. You will get a warning window pop up asking if you want to do this, click on yes.

You will get a command prompt that looks like this:

Type in cd c:\vwhk-12102011-c then hit enter. Don’t forget the space between cd and c: (I did and it took me a while to figure out what was going wrong). You should see this:


Now type in hack-vivow then hit enter and let the computer and phone do its thing. The safest thing to say at this point is to not touch the computer or the phone. Your phone will restart a couple of times during this process and I can’t emphasize enough to not disconnect anything during this process.

When the downgrade completes, proceed to the revolutionary website to root your phone. Before attemptingto root via the revolutionary method remove the battery and write down the serial number of your phone. You will need it for the rooting process. If you have any questions please post them here.

Credits: copied from attn1’s post on XDA
Attn1 – recognized developer over on the XDA Forums forputting this process out there for us
Revolutionary - for everything they do
Ch4lky - zergRush
Scotty2 - misc_version

I would like to point out is that NO WHERE DO YOU SEE ANY POST SAYING that: dont unlock your bootloder first. cause that was the first thing i did and didnt think it was going to stop me from downgrading my Dinc2 but as soon as I relocked it the next time I ran vwhk BOOM it work NOW IF ONLY SOMEWHERE IT WOULD OF SAID HEY YOU MIGHT NOT WANT TO UNLOCK YOUR BOOTLOADER THEN MAYBE I WOULDNT OF SPENT A MONTH THINKING I WAS DOING SOMETHING WRONG!!! but hey
But hey, this process is to unlock the bootloader and downgrade the software. Why would you try to unlock an unlocked bootloader? At what point did you mention you had an unlocked bootloader when you were crying for help? There is no need to throw attitude towards me or anyone else that tried to help you when this was a problem caused by YOU! That being said, I'm glad you got it to work, enjoy.

This post is Incredible 2!
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Yo there's no attitude is was just saying that it would of been nice to know that you don't need to unlock your bootloader cause that's what I did figuring that I would have to do it just to be able to downgrade the phone cause no where that I have been says anything about if you stop by htcdev and unlocked your bootloader before trying to use vwhk downgrade that you will be unable to do so and go back and
re-lock your bootloader to proceed with the downgrade. I'm sorry if I came across like an a$$
mos def im running MIUI big fan of it plus i like trying any rom thats available and this aint my first time at the rodeo i have rooted before had the og droid, Dinc ,rooted att HTC inspire for a friend and now trying to root the lg revolution for a friend, so agian im sorry about that I was venting more than anything going to form after form being told im doing it wrong when yeah i kinda was but if i only knew i jump the gun by unlocking the bootloader by it self but hey im only human i got excited to root the dinc2
All Honestly How Hard is This? Downgrading And Stuff......I'm A Bit Nervous About This. I Have rooted Phones Tablets Before But This Is A First That I'm Actually A Bit Nervous About. Why is This The Only WaY To Root It?
Hi All. I am trying to downgrade to from 2.3.4 so i can root on an droid incredible. I have followed all the prompts. disabled fastboot, enabled usb bugging, and ran the file associated with running. It says complete, but when i check my version I am still on 2.3.4. What am I doing wrong?
do i need to have an sd card installed? Have run the process 3 times and still on 2.3.4
i am running on xp but have administrator privileges . cause im the only user. is there something i am missing?
<img src=";stc=1" attachmentid="48539" alt="" id="vbattach_48539" class="previewthumb">so it finds my device but it says its not supported right now?