How To: Setup ADB on Windows 7 64bit (Should also work on 32bit)

for some reason i keep getting:

Windows found driver software for your device but encountered an error while attempting to install it.

Android Composite ADB Interface

This device cannot start. (Code 10)

Any help?
for some reason i keep getting:

Windows found driver software for your device but encountered an error while attempting to install it.

Android Composite ADB Interface

This device cannot start. (Code 10)

Any help?

delete the driver you have already then reinstall this one!
Dude, finally someone who was able to help. Thanks to the author of this post. Only person who could get my computer to acknowledge that my phone was installed in debugging mode.
I only get 2 modes to display debugging on my Win 7 (64). USB Mass Storage and Charge only. And then it only shows 1 driver in the device manager: (Mot Composite ADB Device)
PC Mode and WMsync don't show debugging. Regardless of which one I use, windows tells me the driver is incompatible when I try to point it at this .inf file.
I think I may be able to resolve some of my issues if I can just get my driver situation figured out. Then I will simply make a folder with the backup info I need to do this whenever/wherever.
Windows XP not Windows 7 with problem ADB Interface

Any idea how this can be done with Windows XP? I tried basically same process but when I tried to run the driver it failed.
This looks to be almost a year old.
Is the 6.1mb v3 link below still the most current version?

Perspective instantiates reality.
( By DX w/DF app. )
Thank you!

This is a copy/paste from the thread I made over at AllDroid. Figured some people here might find it useful as well.

Ok, so after seeing how much trouble most people have with Windows 7 I decided to make this. I too found the previous instructions a little confusing, but I finally figured out what I was doing wrong and was able to install them. Trust me, that when I point out what you guys were doing wrong you're going to laugh

so I'm thinking, man I really hope this is the one (I'm pretty tech savvy and have been stuck on this for 2 hours now, countless other forums and dozens of downloads have gotten me nowhere. My Droid 2 was never a problem but my droid 3 ADB does NOT want to be recognized so far.
Now this is the step where I'm sure most of you messed up on. Click on Show All Devices then Next. DO NOT CLICK ON ADB INTERFACE FROM THE LIST!

son of a... yes. yes it is where I messed up. way to be CLEAR and put an end to my frustrations this morning. I literally registered on this forum just to thank you. so THANK YOU SO MUCH

Oh I will... :)dancedroidDancingNexus:icon_ banana::):biggrin::p:happy3:dancedroid:cool-b::big smile:
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Cannot Install Mot Composite ADB Interface in order to root DROID BIONIC ICS v4.0.4

Whoops. Everything worked fine as far as the directions, but 'adb' is not recognized as a command...

I'm running Win 7 Ultimate x64 (fully updated). My phone is DROID BIONIC ICS v4.0.4. I've tried all suggested methods (re-installed the Motorola Device Manager 5 times) to get Mot Composite ADB Interface to install. Would you kindly suggest another way to resolve this?

Thanks in advance.
Getting really frustrated here. Got a Nexus 7 tablet (2013) and when connected to my PC (Win 7 64 bit) all I see is the DCIM folder and sub folders. I have previously seen all folders on the tablet and wondering if this is something to do with the latest android update which is 4.4.4. Eventually found this website but where is the zip file??? Would this work on my tablet anyway? HELP please!!

I am not getting Show All Devices is step 9,can you please help ?

I don't see the link either. I have a new PC, and having trouble getting ADB going. The phone is showing in device manager and driver installed for it, but ADB does not have a driver.