How's everyone liking Nougat?

I don't have an answer for this. The only thing that has changed is the OS. Prior to the update I had great battery life, even at work where I work with a ton of equipment that makes it difficult to get a signal.

That yellow in the Network Signal portion of the Battery chart is killing your battery

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

I did not try it without reinstalling my apps. I will try that with my wife's phone to see if that makes a difference.

Assuming the Z Force has a good battery I think you'll love the phone...I sure do.

Back to the T2, did you factory reset and see how it ran before yu added back all your apps?
Here is more pictures of the horrible battery life of my T2. The phone is no longer connected to the Verizon network, so that is ruled out. I pulled the phone off of the charger & used it to check email and read a couple of articles on the net. No games or videos, just read 2 articles.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
Seems like something might be wrong with that new update for the T2. Cell signal should not be killing battery like that. Have you done a Battery meter recalibration?

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
Seems like something might be wrong with that new update for the T2. Cell signal should not be killing battery like that. Have you done a Battery meter recalibration?

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
There is no cell signal anymore, I switched over to a Moto Z Force. The T2 is basically a tablet at this point.

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Here are pictures from my Force, I am at home, so the cell signal is the same location as what I posted a few days ago on the T2. As you can see, I used this phone a good bit today in comparison to the T2. Dramatic difference in usage and battery life.
Also, both phones are running the same apps and notifications. The Z Force might actually have a few more.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
That's better, but looks like something is keeping your phone Awake quite a bit, which means you are not getting the best battery life.

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So as I said my T2 was not lasting long at all. I would need to charge it at work every day to get through the night. So, I gave it to a friend of mine to replace her broken iPhone. I was waiting for the text: anything I can do about this bad battery life?
It never came.
So I saw her last night. Around 7pm I pickup her phone.... 70%. What? She had her email setup on it...and thats about it.

Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk
One thing I have noticed (and read user posts on forums) is that with each Android OS upgrade Google Play Services and Android OS seem to eat more & more into battery life. But new phones that are released with that same OS, out of the box & preinstalled, don't seem to suffer from bad battery life. Kind of goes back to the "second OS upgrade kills a phone" theory. I am already on my second OS upgrade on my Z Force and starting to see Android OS and Google Play Services slowly using more & more battery with each upgrade. I still get good battery life, but not great like it used to be.

Maybe phones shouldn't get more than one Android OS version update in their lifetime? My 6 year old work phone still gets good battery life and it hasn't seen any updates in over 4 years. Then again, I really only use it for calls, texts and work mail (Touchdown) very little else.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
it is the same with computers. that is why a lot of techs always recommend a clean install when upgrading the os. back to phones, after the upgrade, it may be better to go back to factory and start over. sometimes just deleting the cache partition just does not do it.
Well just wanted to report in that after almost 2 weeks with the phone and over 1 week on that latest "security patch" I've have not had poor battery life and have not had one shutdown when I get near that 35% mark. I've reinstalled all the apps that I use, and weeded out some that I do not need or rarely use. Will keep monitoring it and post if anything changes.