HTC Incredible 2 needs help


New Member
Mar 19, 2012
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My daughters phone was dead. When I went to charge it, all that is on the screen is a red triangle with a red exclamation point on it. I'm sure that's not a good sign. It won't do anything. Can anyone help?
My daughters phone was dead. When I went to charge it, all that is on the screen is a red triangle with a red exclamation point on it. I'm sure that's not a good sign. It won't do anything. Can anyone help?

Having this moved to the Inc2 section.

Have you rooted it or done any sort of custom ROMs on it? Sounds like a recovery error, which is why I'm asking that first...

If not, try holding down volume-down and powering it on - that should get you to a white screen with various colors of text. If you can get to that, I'll be curious what it says along the top (S-off/S-on, hboot version, etc.).
No, we haven't done anything to it. And thank you, I obviously don't know how to use this site very well either. lol
Tried it, still nothing:(
No, we haven't done anything to it. And thank you, I obviously don't know how to use this site very well either. lol

No worries at all! Did you buy the phone from Verizon or from someone/somewhere else?

To try getting into the bootloader, do this...
  • Make sure it's fully powered off (might not hurt to pull the battery for a few seconds as sometimes "fastboot" will keep it in a sleep state, so to speak)
  • After the battery is back in, hold down volume-down, then press and hold power (while still holding volume-down). Hopefully after a few seconds (maybe a little longer) a screen comes on with a white background.
  • If that works, it should look something like this:
  • 110902070542665613.jpg
  • If you can see that, I'm curious about two things... #1, the first line that says S-On or S-Off - what does that line say? And #2, the Hboot version.
I'm actually almost too embarrassed to post this, but I think just taking the battery out and putting it back in might have fixed it. I have an iPhone so I forget about that step at times:) At least the symbol is gone and it is charging. Thanks for your help. When she turns it back on, I'll let you know if those different colored messages come up.
I'm actually almost too embarrassed to post this, but I think just taking the battery out and putting it back in might have fixed it. I have an iPhone so I forget about that step at times:) At least the symbol is gone and it is charging. Thanks for your help. When she turns it back on, I'll let you know if those different colored messages come up.

Don't be embarassed at all, I'm just glad it's working (or at least it sounds like it is). If it charges up and boots up fine, I wouldn't even worry about the messages, as long as it's working fine.
As I was reading this I was wondering if you tried a battery pull.

Don't feel stupid. In the future though always try a battery pull any time the phone acts wonky. You'd be surprised what a "forced reboot" fixes. ;)
OK, i have an htc incredible 2(vivow) hboot .98 i have unlocked the boot loader and have root, CWM, INSTALLED. SU INSTALLED. I can flash any rom i want as long as i have a computer around with sdk on it. Ihave to keep flash the boot images for each rom, sometimes i don't, but most of the time i do. I still have s-on, is there any way to get s-off. i tried the downgrade tool, it won't work now, my stock rom is gone, i have CM7.101 running on the phone, anyone know???
OK, i have an htc incredible 2(vivow) hboot .98 i have unlocked the boot loader and have root, CWM, INSTALLED. SU INSTALLED. I can flash any rom i want as long as i have a computer around with sdk on it. Ihave to keep flash the boot images for each rom, sometimes i don't, but most of the time i do. I still have s-on, is there any way to get s-off. i tried the downgrade tool, it won't work now, my stock rom is gone, i have CM7.101 running on the phone, anyone know???

Revolutionary is the only way to get S-Off:

But you'll most likely have to downgrade your hboot before you run it: [Tool] Downgrade VivoW with hboot 0.98 - xda-developers

Edit: Just noticed you said the downgrade tool didn't work... hmmm. Why do you need S-off if you're able to do everything already? Just to keep from having to flash the boot images?
yes i know this but will it work if i relock bootloader. i 've tried this before and it wouldn't run, but i can't remember if i was relocked or not
what if i'm somewhere else but home and want to change, i can't! without booting img, well i guess i can do it at home, but i can install any rom i want with s-on. SO.
NOW HERE'S ONE FOR YA, I unlocked my sons htc evo shift, put in cwm, su, and don't have to flash boot image on his, just boots right up.
another thing that is goin on is the play store. ever since the update i can't download anything from the store unless i uninstall update, then i can download. Then when i go back to the store the update comes in and i have to uninstall it again,i'm running CM7.1.0.1 ANYONE ELSE HAVING THIS PROBLEM
Do you have Google Music installed? I've seen that the play store has some issues if Google Music(a.k.a. Play Music) isn't installed alongside it.