HTC Inspire


New Member
Jan 9, 2012
Reaction score
I just received the HTC Inspire last week. Even though I am an apple fan and I would NEVER give up my iPhone for any other phone, the HTC INSPIRE is actually a pretty good phone. The screen size and the resolution was done quiet well. On a scale 1-5 I would rate the phone a 3.75 only because I am constantly on the iPhone and I don't think that anything compares to Apple. I gotta say that the battery life on the HTC Inspire is HORRIBLE, that is one huge complaint that I have. I am not sure if that is because of all the apps that are running in the background but even with my iPhone when I have a bunch of apps running it gives me a full day of usage.

If you are looking to get an android based phone on AT&T I would recommend getting the HTC Inspire over any of the other smartphones.
hello jessica, welcome to the forum. the folks here are always ready to help a newbie learn about android. however, since this site is primarily dedicated to verizon android phones most of us are not familiar with the inspire. i think your post would be more fully appreciated over at out sister site AT&T Android Forum