I don't want to slide to answer a call or unlock phone


New Member
Nov 17, 2009
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Is there a way around sliding/scrolling on the green button to answer a call or unlock a screen. I want to be able to just push one button to answer it. I was on a call and another call was coming in and I had to put my finger on the green answer button and slide to the right. This is dangerous while driving. Please advise. Thanks
Just a note:

Calling while driving is dangerous in any way. so please for the safety of yourself and others...just dont call and drive.

I dunno how that is in the states, but its forbidden here over in most european countries! :D
talking on the phone is illegal in Cali but you can still use your bluetooth which you still have to unlock your phone to answer. i wouldn't mind an app that allows you to answer without sliding just like they made an app for the BB storm that allows you to slide to unlock like the iphone.
yeah i thought with a bluetooth you can just press the button on the side and it would pick up the call for you.
My car has built in bluetooth and all I have to do is tap the steering wheel control to answer my calls. Works fine with the Droid. I can even voice dial from the car.
My car has built in bluetooth and all I have to do is tap the steering wheel control to answer my calls. Works fine with the Droid. I can even voice dial from the car.

Yup - I have this in my Camry Hybrid. No phone to hold and all controls on the steering wheel.

I'm sure someone will come up with an app to answer the phone by hitting the phone icon. Even when not driving, that slide answer thing is a pain.
It's been a while since this question was asked and I can't find any other info on it, so I'm bumping it.

Does anyone know of an app or some way around having to drag that slide to answer the phone?? I HATE that slide. When my phone rings, the slide refuses to slide and by the time it does, the caller has usually hung up. I'm hoping something new has come up since this was last replied to.
It's been a while since this question was asked and I can't find any other info on it, so I'm bumping it.

Does anyone know of an app or some way around having to drag that slide to answer the phone?? I HATE that slide. When my phone rings, the slide refuses to slide and by the time it does, the caller has usually hung up. I'm hoping something new has come up since this was last replied to.

:welcome: to the Forum. Glad you were able to find us.

There still is no app available for answering the phone. Just my opinion but it's one of the things that make a Droid, well, a Droid. I happen to like the swipe.

If you just got a Droid and you dislike it that much, may be that the Droid is not right for you.
That's right the Moto A855 "Droid" isn't perfect, or awfully close. You may need to keep phone shopping. Give the Eris and the Nexus both a pretty good look,

There is a Bluetooth phone accessory available that mounts on your steering wheel, and is pretty cool, but the A855 doesn't work properly with lots of Bluetooth devices. For all the "Droid does" advertising out there you'd think that our 3 parents were all really big on it, and supporting it,,,, but that's NOT the case. It's all just typical american marketing bull****.

There's a possibility that an update of the O.S. and native app's will come out and fix some stuff, but I don't give it much hope, and past experiences in December and January say it'll be pretty minimal and lame.

All that said, if anybody actually DOES use one of those steering wheel mounted Bluetooth phone accessories, or has a bluetooth headset that DOES work properly with their A855 Motorola "DROID", let us all know. Start a thread and tell us all specifically what device and model number, and as much else as you can!
Thanks for your answers! I've had my Droid for over a month and I am loving it! The slider works perfectly for unlocking the phone, but it just decides not to slide when the phone rings. I did download Lock 2.0 earlier and that slider is a dream. So I hope it works out.

And thanks for the welcome, hookbill. I apologize for jumping in without introducing myself. I work on a website (Answers.com) and talk to so many people online I didn't even think.
With my bluetooth earpiece, an incoming call signals it, even if I haven't done a slide on the phone to open it; and I click on my bluetooth and can answer the call.

However, making a call out was a bit of a challenge, until I downloaded, for $4, Hoookbill's suggestion of the Voice Dialer HF. I still have to open the phone and click on the app, but at that point I can speak out the numbers and it will dial them for me.
Nothing yet. Trust me I need this too.
For all you people on the safety bandwagon. Go read that article about how the new blue tooth law has not done anything to reduce accidents at all. I think your more likely to get in a crash driving a toyota than talking on your phone.

Anyways back on topic. to get rid of the lock screen in non calls download screenmode widget from the market it works great