I just improved my new Droid X


New Member
Jul 29, 2010
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I've always preferred Verizon and I carried a blackberry for years, but the company I used to work for decided to give us all iPhones (bad move). I carried the iPhone for about a year and it was a cool toy. I could play chess or check the weather channel...but the calls dropped, the coverage was poor, and it was painful to type emails on a keyboard with no haptic feedback or Swype technology.

I recently changed jobs (about a month ago) and I was happy to give my iPhone back and purchase the new Verizon Droid X. It's simply the best phone I've ever owned. The battery life has not been that great although I hopefully just improved that (I'll get to that in a minute). Luckily, I can actually remove and replace the battery (unlike the iPhone). Also, typing is much better since the Droid has the haptic feedback...but the Swype technology is the best. It's easy to get used to and now I use Swype to type all the time. More and more I'm also using the voice input for texts and searches and it works great. The phone is fast and the calls do not drop...my coverage is better too. The google maps app is soooo much better than the iPhone app and the turn by turn directions are just like having a Tom Tom or Garmin. The Droid also integrates seamlessly with gmail and other email accounts. Plus, the widgets (not available on the iPhone) are extremely useful.

Well, I improved my Droid X today. I bought the new extended battery for around 45 bucks. The old one was 1500 mAh (milliamp hours) and the new one is 1930 mAh. I'm hoping it gives me around 25 to 30% more battery life. It's slightly (barely) larger than the old battery and comes with it's own battery compartment cover, but it's hardly noticeable and the phone cover still fits.

Also, I had the two-piece clip on hard cover for my phone and it made the phone seem much larger. I have the car dock as well and in order to use the car dock, I had to unsnap the cover and take it off the phone. Today I bought the smaller and tighter fitting neoprene cover and it's much better for my preferences although it still did not quite fit the car dock (sooo close). I noticed a small strip of plastic near the jack on the car dock so I pulled out the dremel and ground it flat (I'll upload a photo). Now the phone fits the car dock WITH the cover on (much better). Now if they fix the issue where the turn-by-turn navigation screen randomly reverts to the previous screen, I'll be good to go (it's supposed to be fixed in the 2.2 froyo release).

Welcome! Glad you are enjoying the X. Let us know if you have questions.

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