I messed up BAD

can't sign into yahoo...it sent a text to my phone (which is currently in fastboot mode) to verify I am the user. guess I won't be getting to that one...
it says "that it is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

OK. You need the ADB fastboot folder that is provided in the restore thread. Put your images there and then direct your command prompt to that folder. I just did this on my device and it works. I got the same error when I tried to use the root folder you used.
I will let
bryantjopplin explain what he did. He is still in my computer, making progress but we aren't out of the woods yet. It went over my head about 30 seconds in
have you resolved this?

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Just resolved about 5 minutes ago....wow. that was like watching a heart transplant. I did't think my nexus was going to make it almost flat lined...then like 2 hours into the surgery bryantjopplin brought her back to life. Now I need to unlock and root again. Im not sure how I jacked my phone up so bad...honestly Im a little nervous to mess with it again.
well its solved. the restore files were mixed in with his root and unlock folder on the c drive. also no java sdk or android sdk installed. but phone didnt respond to adb either when i tried to push a swype keyboard to it. long stort short, wrong files in wrong file places. lol. it seems to be good now. lol happy rooting :D
i actually didnt lock your bootloader its still unlock. lol

***edit unlocked still****

I noticed that, what a nice touch. Saved me a few steps..i'm rooted again btw. You did an outstanding job my friend.

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have you resolved this?

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Is triptych a demon hunter reference by any chance? Just curious :)

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