If you have a blown speaker look here

I replaced the speaker but I could barely hear it so I had to put the original one back in.

Tapatalk on Incredible 2
I fixed the stock speaker, just shoegooed it in place, turns out it was just vibrating just like the previous poster stated. I glued both sides, problem solved.

Tapatalk on DInc
(make sure you take off any invisible shield before going in, the sales guy that did mine said technically those void the warranty because they use water to install them)

What invisible shield are you referring to? I assume it's not the one on the screen. The Verizon store sales rep installed mine for me. I replaced it and there wasn't any water required.
I believe he was probably referring to the old style of invisa shields where you wet them and then press the air bubbles out with a credit card. Of course those kind went out about 6-7 years ago.

Tapatalk on Incredible 2
I just followed that video and replaced my blown speaker, now my phone wont power up any suggestions?
I just followed that video and replaced my blown speaker, now my phone wont power up any suggestions?

ok just relized that the power button is broke on the board. Anyone know where i can get a new power button so i can solder it back on the board?