I'm torn over this phone

Hugh Jass

Senior Member
Feb 7, 2010
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I love nearly everything about it but reports about the photo and video quality are pretty horrendous. If I was coming from a phone that took junk pictures that's fine whatever but the picture and video quality on my G2 are fantastic and it scares the crap out of me to go back in time.

I don't know what to do. I don't think Moto will ever pull their heads out of their arses and realize people would pay GOOD money to have an option for a fantastic shooter. I mean it doesn't even have OIS... o_O Who made that call? So frustrating!
Some manufacturers have different priorities. Considering Moto's past with their cameras, this is a huge step up for them.

For myself, I don't need a great shooter, the one on my s4 is perfectly fine. If I wanted to really capture those important moments, I would be carrying around a standalone camera.
So the answer to upgrading my phone and downgrading my camera is to carry around a camera?

I just don't get the necessity of maintaining old tech when upgrading is so damn cheap. Going from my Bionic to the G2 was like primitive man discovering fire and Moto is throwing out MP on top of MP to their crummy hardware, year after year after year...

It's literally like everyone sitting around a round table was like "Ok this phone is legit, practically perfect... now which camera do we use, the 15 dollar cheapo or the 20 dollar high performance?" Who in their right mind would say cheap for a difference of 5 dollars? I'm just guessing at cost here but my point is why not fix the one damn thing you're known to suck at after 6 years?
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For reference, the LG G2 back camera's entire module costs $9.26. The best smartphone camera in the world, the Lumina 1020 I found for $25.

I mean seriously...I'd pay $100 for a $25 camera in my phone, and I know I'm not alone.
For reference, the LG G2 back camera's entire module costs $9.26. The best smartphone camera in the world, the Lumina 1020 I found for $25.

I mean seriously...I'd pay $100 for a $25 camera in my phone, and I know I'm not alone.
Man, your avatar is so spot on! Lol.

Edit; It's almost as if they consulted with you when they created that character. (Friendly roast).
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Just priorities for the company I guess. I'd probably take Moto's UI and features over any other manufacturers.

I get your frustration with the camera, but it probably isn't as bad as it sounds. My guess is you haven't seen the phone in person yet as you're going off of reports. Why not ignore what others say/think and head to the store yourself and try it out for yourself.
Man, your avatar is so spot on! Lol.

Yea maybe I'm a little crazy on this one, I don't know...just seems so obvious to me, everything else is so spot on.
Just priorities for the company I guess. I'd probably take Moto's UI and features over any other manufacturers.

I get your frustration with the camera, but it probably isn't as bad as it sounds. My guess is you haven't seen the phone in person yet as you're going off of reports. Why not ignore what others say/think and head to the store yourself and try it out for yourself.

I'll likely end up buying the phone regardless because my digitizer is failing, and I'm not confident enough to attempt the repair without having something else in my hand in case it goes FUBAR. Reviewing photos on a phone screen regardless of quality will never appear bad, but as a contractor it's very useful to be able to snap progress pictures without carrying a dedicated cam around.
I feel you. I love the G2 camera. From the few pictures I took at VZ today with the turbo they didn't look bad at all. Not up to the G2 quality, but I definitely wouldn't call them terrible.

on the move..
Yea maybe I'm a little crazy on this one, I don't know...just seems so obvious to me, everything else is so spot on.
Yeah, but I'm not hanging it up on the camera. It's a great sensor so I'm holding out hope that with an update they can get better pictures. I also plan to shoot in RAW and then edit and enhance with Photoshop if I really need high quality photos.
Has a RAW mode!? I didn't think it was supported until 5.0, didn't think hardware would support till some time after.
Upgraded my Droid RAZR MAXX HD to a Droid Turbo today, I'm happy with it. It's is a little bigger, a little lighter, a little smoother, and a little faster. As far as the camera, haven't used it much, just a few shots, but good enough for me.
Has a RAW mode!? I didn't think it was supported until 5.0, didn't think hardware would support till some time after.
Hardware can support it, have to wait for 5.0. But yes.
I hear you. The G2 is the first smartphone I have owned that has taken decent pics. Why??? Because I have always been a Moto man. I have gotten spoiled with the quality of pics that my G2 takes. With the exception of course of low light indoor shots. Which phones will never seem to be able to do. But at the end of the day I think I am willing to trade off a little higher pic quality for better build quality and reception.
Just read from Phone Arena that their brightness tests on this phone were quite poor, though the review was great. Is it hard to see in sunlight? They say it peaks at 247 Nits, which is about half of every flagship out right now. I work outside all the time so this is a deal-breaker if I can't see it, though I find my G2 acceptable it's at the lower end.