incredible 2 black screen


New Member
Oct 20, 2012
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I have an incredible 2 and I have recently been having problems w it. When I push the pwr button to use it, the screen will ocassionally go black, but the navigation buttons will b lit up. This can b very annoying when u want to use the phone. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I have tried taking out the battery and that didn't help.
Screen broken

I am having the same issue. It just started about 3 days ago. Whenever it goes to sleep, it comes back to a black screen. Pulling the battery for about 5 minutes gets it to boot up ok for a while, but then the problem returns. I have just done a factory reset to see if that helps. I fear there might be a loose video screen connector, but I'm hoping a master reset might fix it if it is software related. I am running stock HTC Sense.

EDIT: It also stopped connecting to the 3G network, which also prompted the master reset. It is reconnecting now to 3G, but it seems to have gone black again during my setup and won't come back. Argh!

EDIT #2: Just returned from the Verizon store. Not sure what I expected, but they were no help at all. They said they could sell me a refurbished phone for $412. They don't repair them, and since I have a screen crack (from 3 months ago) the warranty is voided. Sounds like it's time to root to see if it's hardware related.

EDIT #3...It is now 11-19-2012 and my phone screen has not done anything except light the backlight for the past 2 weeks and give me purple lines when I try to boot to the reset menu (Power and volume button). I ordered a new screen and digitizer and I am waiting for delivery. I also ordered a new battery in case it was a power issue. The battery arrived today. I charged it but it did not fix the problem.

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My son's phone started experiencing the same issue just before New Years. I got around to calling VZW today only to learn the phone went out of warranty in November. After pulling the battery for a while I was able to get it to boot normally with the screen working and did a master reset thinking that it may have been an app. That seemed to work, but then the screen blanked again. Looking closer I see that when I wake it the nav buttons on bottom light up. When I swipe down to unlock I hear the click as it unlocks. If I use volume buttons I get a response. I can lock the screen and call the phone then answer it by swiping down. I questioned him about what he was doing when it happened and he said nothing I just turned it on and the screen wouldn't come on. I checked for water damage and found no evidence, nor of any drops (thanks Otterbox!). I am no stranger to rooting and roms with my 2 thunderbolt's but I had left his stock S-on no root. I work for an auth agent and we have one at our store so I took it there today and tried the new battery. It seemed to work for a while but then same black screen. With the original battery out for a while it comes back on fine, but will eventually black again. Tonight just after it blacked out I felt around the phone (no activity with it, just had it powered on to see how long before screen black) the bottom of the screen side of the phone seemed warmer than normal, but not hot to the touch. I plan to check this with my laser thermometer to test a hypothesis. It may be that heating of the phone is causing a short to the lcd. The digitizer obviously still works so it could be similar in theory to chip creep in a computer, as things heat up the connection loosens and the screen blacks. As the internals cool down the connection reseats and is good until the heat rises again.

I would like to hear any thoughts on this.
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For anyone interested here are the first round of results:

11:40 Battery has been removed for 10 minutes. Baseline temps:
Battery: 80
Screen bottom: 82
Screen top: 81

11:42 Battery inserted powered on Screen works
Battery: 81
Screen Top: 82
Screen bottom:82

11:45 Still on screen works
Battery 85
Top 83
Bottom 87

11:48 Still on screen works
Battery: 89
Top: 84
Bottom: 91

11:56 Still on screen works
Battery: 94
Top: 87
Bottom: 96

11:59 Pressed power to put screen "asleep" then immediately tried to wake, got black screen, can still swipe to unlock.
Battery: 95
Top: 87
Bottom: 96

12:00 Pulled battery and immediatly replaced, turned on still black screen. Pulled battery
Battery: 95
Top: 87
Bottom: 95

12:04 Replaced battery, turned on, still black screen, pulled battery
Battery: 88
Top: 86
Bottom: 89

12:06 Replaced battery , turned on, still black screen, pulled battery
Battery: 86
Top: 85
Bottom: 88

12:08 Replaced battery, turned on, see HTC boot screen
Battery: 85
Top: 85
Bottom: 87

12:10 Fully booted and screen sleeps and wakes fine (note: data is 1x briefly)
Battery: 88
Top: 85
Bottom: 88

12:12 Put screen to sleep, try to wake, black screen
Battery: 90
Top: 85
Bottom: 90
Conclusion of Experiment

Ok, tried something different here:

12:20 Replaced battery allowed to boot, Plugged to charger with stay awake option on.
Battery: 80
Top: 82
Bottom: 81

12:50 Still on charger screen awake and working
Battery: 99
Top: 90
Bottom: 97

12:52 still on charger, put screen to sleep try to wake, black screen
Battery: 99
Top: 90
Bottom: 97

After these tests I conclude that it is a thermal short somewhere on the power button circuit to wake the LCD. I am not familiar with this device's internals, but it stands to reason that since the screen works at any temp while on, and the problem only presents when trying to wake that it is on the power button side rather than a problem with the LCD itself. Because the problem does not show in temps under 90 I feel it has to be thermal. I am interested if anyone else experiencing this can recreate my experiment and results.
It's def thermal, and its only gotten worse. I've had to put my phone in front of the ac in my car after I'm outside to bring the screen back on.
Same problem here. Has anyone tried replacing the screen to fix this problem?
I seriously just registered to let everyone know to remove battery and sim card, unscrew the cover and check where the ribbon cable plugs in. The port my ribbon cable plugs into has a lock on it which popped loose. I pushed the lock back down and the screen works again.