Induction Charging issues


Nov 22, 2009
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Yesterday I received the Verizon (LG wcp-700) Induction charger with the free HTC Thunderbolt backplate that is currently part of Verizon's August Deals. Briefly read through the directions which took all of about 20 seconds and hooked it up.

My battery was down to 75% so I figured I'd throw it on and top it off. After being on there for a little over an hour the charge level was now down to 68%. However the charge pad indicated that it was charging, but the charge light on the thunderbolt never came on.

Thinking I may have done something wrong I put it on over night. I woke up about 3 hours into the night and looked only to find my phone was still not charging. There were no battery draining apps running, nor anything out of the ordinary that I could see. Also the powercord was in the correct direction (yes there is actually a correct way for the power cord to hang from the pad...).

I know I can contact Verizon about this, but I'd like to see what you guys have to say first.

adding to this...

I just got home from work and tried to place it on the pad which the pad indicates that it is charging. No indication of it charging on the phone. At this point I removed the backplate and battery and then put everything back together. Before I turned the phone back on I put it on the charge pad... charging indicator came on for both the pad and phone. However, once the phone was turned on charging stopped.

This makes me think that either the phone is pulling more power than it should or it is software related. I'm currently running Liquid Gingersense 1.3... which I haven't had any problems with and have been reluctant to upgrade because it's been so smooth. I will try updating to the latest or another rom to see if any of that helps.
Updated to Liquid Gingersense 1.6... no change in using the charging pad. Like what I see of 1.6 though!

I'm starting to think it must be a software issue as a coworker of mine has the same setup and isn't having any issues. Only difference is he is running his stock and I am not.
Ok... It seemed to have been a kernel issue. I was running dream kernel_sense_2_3_6 by imoseyon which seemed to be the problem. I then put on his gingerjane stock kernel and it's working just fine now.

Hopefully the dream kernel gets updated, or the lean kernel with the induction charging capabilities. :)
BAMF Forever 1.0.4! Both inductive charging and WiFi work without the need to swap kernels back and forth!

Case closed. :)