Install 2.2 over SS4.96 ??


Dec 24, 2010
Reaction score
I wiped Data/cache
Installed 2.2 zip Full version
Installed Gapps


Went to about phone it still says it is SS4.96 with a P3 droid kernel...?

What did I do wrong

Thanks, Jamie
Wipe again, install 2.0 first and then 2.2 and gapps.

Thanks, I did the full 2.2 off the website and it said I didn't have to do 2.0 but I will try that first then install just the update zip OR the full 2.2?

Well i know i'm not biased at all not even slightly in saying that sourcery is the best :)
Well i know i'm not biased at all not even slightly in saying that sourcery is the best :)

Ok I am back On Sourcery 2.2. Which kernel give reasonable performance and great battery life? Leave it as installed? Or.....? All I do is wireless tether to a rooted nook, pandora, GPS, play music etc. About the only game played is Angry bird by my son.

Thanks for all your help everyone.

I use the 250/1000 from raidzero. Works just fine. I get a full day of texting and web surfing out of it. When I am checking ESPN and sports scores a whole bunch too, I need to recharge.
