installed OTA ICS now phone stuck on bootlogo


Jan 8, 2011
Reaction score
Gonzales, LA
I was running my bionic on ICS .232 and flashed back to .902 and installed all the updates to get OTA ICS and now it wont get past the bootlogo. The logo is just the red M. I downloaded the FXZ for ICS and it keeps failing. RSDlite states "Failed Flashing process. 8/21 erase userdata -> Phone Returned Fail". How do I fix this i need help immediatly. any information is much appreciated
if you can still get to fastboot menu (wouldnt see why not), just HoB 246 and be done with it.

did the OTA actually fully install and after than it doesnt boot or did it hang upon leaving 905? you no longer have the option of fxzing back to 905. please try HoB 246 re-install option and post bacvk

EDIT: btw, how long did you wait on the boot logo, sometimes it can take what seems like ages, but i guess due to battery life concerns you need to pull the trigger but no less than 10 minutes wait.
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Did you have your phone rooted ? Forever root creates problems.
Did you have any other flashing apps or modifications done.
These things can keep the ota from working.

Sounds like you are having connection issues with RsdLite.
Try a diffrent cable and or USB port.
Did you have your phone rooted ? Forever root creates problems.
Did you have any other flashing apps or modifications done.
These things can keep the ota from working.

Sounds like you are having connection issues with RsdLite.
Try a diffrent cable and or USB port.

No my phone wasnt rooted. I had it rooted before i onstalled .232. I got i let the install for the ics ota fully installed n it stayed on the logo for an hr. I managed to fix it though n now i have ota ics and rooted. My battery died while i was flashing the fxz for the ota ics luckily i had a spare. Thanks for all the help guys