Invalid Battery


Mar 8, 2011
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Does anyone know if there is a way to turn off the "functionality" built into the Droid R2D2 that won't let a non Motorola battery charge and also cause the phone to display a question mark when said batteries are in the phone?

I got a two pack of batteries & a charger on eBay and I have said issue.

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Yes... removing manufacturer safeguards so you can use off brand lithium ion batteries (which are potentially caustic and/or explosive) sounds like a fantastic idea. Or you could return your Chinese knockoff batteries and buy 2 OEM motorola batteries on Amazon for $4 each.
Yes... removing manufacturer safeguards so you can use off brand lithium ion batteries (which are potentially caustic and/or explosive) sounds like a fantastic idea. Or you could return your Chinese knockoff batteries and buy 2 OEM motorola batteries on Amazon for $4 each.

Motorola is the only company that doesn't allow you to use third party batteries with their phones. Plus I got them for emergency use when I'm at living history re-enactment shows. If I could at least figure out a way to display the remaining charge I can survive with using an external charger for them.

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Chances are pretty good that nobody's going to be able to help you. I've been on 4 or 5 android forums for awhile now, and never seen anyone even address this. Just return them and buy the OEM ones, IMHO. Here.
Chances are pretty good that nobody's going to be able to help you. I've been on 4 or 5 android forums for awhile now, and never seen anyone even address this. Just return them and buy the OEM ones, IMHO. Here.

I might keep them just for the charger and as extra emergency batteries. May not be able to know how much battery life is left when using them but since I don't anticipate needing to use them much I'll survive.

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Amazon batteries for 5 bucks. Authentic and the same as the stock battery

From my Liberated DROID2 at 1.25ghz
I have the exact same issue and have bought 3 batteries that all claimed to be OEM Motorola batteries. All of them were fakes that were passed off as the real thing. One of these was bought on amazon also, im sick of wasting my money. I don't know how to make sure im actually getting the real thing. Don't think I can order from Motorola either, that's the only way I would trust it. For some reason not all droid 2 users have this issue, I've heard of people using whatever kind of battery that will fit and it works. Oh well, its my biggest pet peeve about this phone and I have seen many posts on other websites about this issue.
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That sucks. While I'm happy i've never had an issue (ever), i feel bad that others aren't so lucky

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